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The baby shower was being held at the park where Carrie body was dropped off at

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The baby shower was being held at the park where Carrie body was dropped off at. Yes I wanted it here cause for one, it's a beautiful park. And two, I want carrie to see my baby shower. Everything was in place. The chairs, food table, dance floor, and the candy table.

I walk up to the candy table seeing blue and pink. "Katy"I called my assistant. She came to the table with her clipboard and phone.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Why is there blue and pink Candy's?!"I semi yelled. "And the stuff animals. What the hell is that?!"

"Jade, quit the yelling"Noah walked towards us. I rolled my eyes and put on a smile.

"Babe, look at this"I showed him the table. He nodded his head at Katy. "You think this is funny"

"No, I mean. She must of got it mixed up"Noah said. "I'ma just take everything that's blue okay"he said to Katy. She nodded her head and smiled.

Once Noah walked away I faced Katy with a smile. "Your fired"

"What!"Katy yelled. I walk to the chairs and sat down. I'm feeling so bad today. Like I wanted to pee so bad but I couldn't.

Finally there was a crowd at the park. I smiled at my guest. Some of my friends was here from Chicago, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. Noah couldn't believe that I knew so many people.

The baby shower was going great. We played games. Took pictures. Danced around. I was so happy and proud that I stole someone husband and I'm having a baby for him.

It's weird that Noah didn't invite his daughter. I'm glad he didn't cause I didn't want my friends to ask me who the child was for and then I'ma have to explain to them.

"Your having fun"Noah whisper in my ears. I shivered feeling his breath on my skin. God that felt good.

"I'm having a wonderful time"I smiled at him.

"Good, cause it's bout to end"he nodded his head towards the front of the park. I look up seeing the police and Keva with mom and Noah mom. "Your play time is up"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How? How did they....

"You son of bitch!!"I took the knife and was bout to stab my self till Noah quickly grab my wrist and twisted it causing me to scream. My guest all looked at the cops then me.

"Jade Washington. You are under arrest for the murder of Carrie........."everything was a blur.

Guess Carrie got back at me.

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