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I laid in my mother's guest room with Kathleen next to me sleep

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I laid in my mother's guest room with Kathleen next to me sleep. It was 11:45 at night. Midnight. My phone ring from the time I left the restaurant till now. I know who it is. Noah. I didn't want to talk to him at all.

"Keva"my mom walked in the room with the house phone. "Please pick up the phone for Noah"

"Momma no"I said. "Tell him to leave me alone and stop calling me"I sniffle.

"Yeah Noah. She doesn't want to talk. Try tomorrow"my momma said. She stayed on the phone nodding her head. "Okay, I'll tell her"my mom hung up the phone.

"What he said?"I ask.

"He said meet him tomorrow for the meeting. He wants to discuss about the baby shower"my mom said. "Tomorrow that girl have a doctor's appointment and she might need you there"

"Fuck her"I mumble. "She started this shit"I said.

"But this is your baby"my mom said. "What you gone do Keva? Stay here and not do shit about your family"

"Can I think"I said. She sigh heavily and close the door. I sniffle one last time and fell off to sleep.


I sat outside the park watching jade and Noah walking to the bench. She wanted Noah for herself. She was in love with him and wanted me to leave. But do Noah really loves her? I kept watching them till I saw jade kissing Noah lips. My heart skip a beat a few times seeing my husband kissing the surrogate that is holding our baby.

"Come on Keva, you can do this"I kept saying. I hop out my mom's old car closing the door. I made my way to the table where Noah and jade was. He look up at me with a frown.

"Oh look. She's here"jade rolled her eyes. "We went to the doctor to check on the baby. The doctor said that you need to stop stressing me out"jade said. I looked at Noah then back at her.

"You didn't tell the doctor that you caused all this stress"I said.

"No bitch. Every time I look at you, you causes it!"jade semi yelled. "But anyways. About the baby shower. A gender reveal will be first which is today at the job and then next week at our house"she grab Noah arm holding it tight. All Noah can do was look down.

"Noah"I looked at him. "Your letting this shit happen"

"I'm sorry Keva"he mumble.

"See, your man don't even want to look at you. You disgust him and me"jade said. "He's mine now Keva. The baby mines too"

"What about the money?"I ask.

"He is my money"she smiled. "And some other stuff is on it's way so keep your mom's old car and stay with her for now on"

"Why are you doing this?!!"I yelled.

"Keva"she rubbed her stomach. "Not in front MY baby"she smiled.

"I'm done with this shit"I got up so quick walking back to my car. I hop in then bust out crying. How did this all happened? Why me God?

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