« | Chapter 24 | »

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I finally made it home from work. God today been a hard ass day. Them kids are bad and spreads a bunch of rumors about coaches having sex with students. But nun of them are true. I never touched a child nor have sex with someone.

I made my way to the kitchen slapping the counter mad as hell. I was breathing heavily looking at the counter. I needed that job but I lost it. What will Keva say?

"Noah"jade came in the kitchen with a smile. "Thank God your home"she came closer to me and sat on the counter in front me.

"Jade, please leave me alone before I lash out on you"I mumble.

"Lash out on me and cause your babys death"she smiled. "Love to see you try"

"Why are you doing this?"I ask.

"Cause I love you Noah"she said. "Just think about it. Keva can't give you a baby, but I can. She doesn't love you, she told me herself at work. Even Carrie"

I didn't believe any word jade was saying. If Keva didn't love me, she would of been left me. "Your lying"I said walking to the fridge.

"You'll see"she said. "She doesn't care about you"jade hop off the counter. "Noah, I really love you and you know that"

"Jade it was just a one time"I said.

"And it can be more then just one time. Please pleasure me one last time"jade grabbed my face looking into her eyes. "please"she kiss my lips. She stick her tongue in my mouth while biting down on my lip.

"Jade please stop"I mumble trying to stop her but then she grabbed my member. I have to stop her before I did what I did the other day.

"If you don't pleasure me, I will kill this baby"she said with fire in her eyes. She grabbed a knife and pointed it to her stomach.

"Okay. Okay"I nod my head. "I will pleasure you"


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