《|Chapter 3|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

"Pass me the salt momma"noah said to his mother Nancy who was talking to his sister Morgan. Me and Noah are still a bit mad at each other. He doesn't want to have a surrogate carrying his baby. He wants me to carry it but I can't.

"Keva,  you ain't never ask me how was my date"Morgan said as she  smirk at me.

"How was your date Morgan?"I ask then smiled.

"It was wonderful. Thanks for hooking a girl up though"Morgan said all happy. "Ma, he is fine like wine. Have all these sexy tattoos and a nice abs......"

"That's enough morgan"noah said then look at Kathleen who was eating her Mac and Cheese.

"Kathleen you excited about school?" Nancy ask.

"No"Kathleen said bluntly making Morgan laugh.

"Don't talk to your grandmother like that"Noah said.

"Where is grandma Katherine?"Kathleen ask.

"I really don't....."just then the door open revealing my mother.

"Right here sweetheart"my mom came in smiling happily. She kissed Kathleen cheek and sat next to her. "Sorry I'm late, I was in traffic and my husband called to bring him some beer"

I rolled my eyes. I hate that man with a passion. He gets on my nerves with his drunk ass.

"That's okay. We still have some food"Noah said.

"So how is the family?"my mom ask. I look down at my plate not wanting to tell them that I won't be able to get pregnant.

"Stuff"Noah said. "Ya know, keva went to the doctor today and it wasn't nothing good"

My mom look at me with wide eyes. "What is it keva?"my mom ask.

"The doctor said that I have infertility. Won't be able to get pregnant"I sniffle. I'm so tired of hearing about it. I dont want to talk about it no more.

"That's the same thing I have"my mom said. "Must run in the family"

"I don't want to talk about it"I said.

"We're thinking about getting a surrogate"Noah said.

"Well how about Morgan can carry your baby keva"

"What the hell? Mom, I'm not letting my sister carry my child"Noah said.

"For real. And how you just gone volunteer me into carrying his child"Morgan said.

"I'm just trying to help"Nancy said.

"Look, I think it's great for a surrogate to come in and carry the baby"my mom said.

"Yeah but...."

"Keve, I understand you don't want another woman carrying your child but its the best thing for right now"my mom said.

"Yeah, you have to think about your health"Nancy said.

Might as well try it. "Babe, are you sure you want to do this?"Noah  ask me.

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