《|Chapter 9|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

《Next weekCarrie funeral》

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Next week
Carrie funeral》

"You ready?"Noah ask as we was bout to walk in Carrie funeral. It was me, Payton, and Alyssa. I think jade was already here. She rode with Carrie parents.

"Yeah, I'm ready"I said. I sign the book and walk in the church. They had Carrie casket open. She looked so beautiful. I remember her smile and beautiful voice. She was so happy on being the surrogate. She even called her parents and told then about being a surrogate.

Me and Noah sat down next to these people who was crying lightly. I couldn't go up to the casket and look at her. I would act a fool in here. Payton and Alyssa sat behind us. Alyssa had sun glasses with her black lipstick. She cried and cried on Payton shoulder.

The funeral wasn't long tho. It was like an hour long. When Carrie mom came up to talk, it made me think of how a mother would take this. She said these words that struck me. 'A mother losing a child is like one of the most heartbreaking, saddest, and hardest time ever' she even had a poem named grieving mother.


The day my child died
I became somebody new
A totally different person
Someone I never knew

I am not who I used to be
I am definately not the same
The only thing that hasn't  changed
Is the spelling of my name

I cry more than I ever did
I break down quite a lot
My heart hurts everyday
The pain will never stop

A mother gives her child life
And a love unlike no other
When that is taken all away
She then becomes a grieving mother"

Everybody cried and clap their hands. I even cried cause it made me think about kathleen and my the baby that I use to have.

Yes, I was a mother of two. A two year old and a 2 month old baby name Kermit. Noah named him that and I hated that name so much but I got use to it.

Kermit was small. Very small. He couldn't really breath on his own so we had a little breathing tube for him. He ate a lot which I thought that would help him survive but it didn't.  One day, when I came home with him from the store, i laid him in his baby bed and started making dinner for Noah. Kathleen was with my mom that day.

After cooking the dinner, I went to Kermit room and he wasn't breathing. No sounds coming from the breathing tube. His lips was blue, he was dead in his own baby bed. I lost it. I lost everything. I even lost Noah for a while but then he came back to me.

We worked it out. I had to do therapie classes and stuff. But it really hurted more losing my baby.

"Baby"Noah shook me a bit. "It's time to leave, they going to the grave site"

"Oh okay"I got up and followed Alyssa and Payton. Everyone was smiling and laughing. I guess it was a family day.

"Ima go get the car"Noah said. He walk away from me and the girls.

"Let's go find jade"Payton said. We walk around a bit till we saw jade talking to one of Carrie male cousin. They kind of was hitting it off. Like she was smiling all hard and blushing.

"Jade"I called her name. She look at me and smiled.

"I can't believe you guys came"she came up to me and hug me. She hugged Payton and Alyssa.

"I'm sorry for your lost. I know how much you loved Carrie"I said.

"Thanks keva"she said. "I wanted to talk to you about something"she pulled me away from the crowd.

"What is it?"I ask.

"I want to finish what Carrie started. I want to carry you and Noah child"jade said. 

"Like be our surrogate?"I ask.

"Yes silly. Be your surrogate"she smiled. "I know Carrie will be so happy that I will do it"

"Okay but we have to go to the doctor first and make sure you are in good shape and paper work"I said.

"Okay. We can start that tomorrow"jade smiled. Tomorrow? I have work tomorrow. I guess after work or during work we can.

"Yeah sure"


It's getting good. Continue to read and vote.


Published:June 5, 2018

Time:9:27 am

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