« | Chapter 38 | »

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|Nylah Marie Johnson|

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|Nylah Marie Johnson|

I watch as my baby girl slept in my arms. Noah was right behind me smiling at her. Kathleen was in the other room crying cause she wanted to be the baby girl. She did this when we talked about having a surrogate.

"It's sad that we don't have a nursery for her"I said with a frown.

"What you talking about?"Noah smiled. "Come see"he walk out the room. I got up holding Nylah in my arms. I walk to the room where jade use to sleep. I look at the room gasping at how nice it was.


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"This....."I smiled so wide. "oh my God Noah"

Kathleen came in the room looking around. "Daddy, how come my room look uglier then this"

"Really Kathleen"Noah said shaking his head. I laugh at her face expression looking at the room.

"Kathleen, why can't you just be happy for your sister?"I ask.

"Cause she ain't my sister"Kathleen folded her arms.

"Kathleen"Noah knelt down to Kathleen. "She is your sister....."

"Then how come she was in that lady stomach. Momma didn't have her"Kathleen said.

"It's a long story Kathleen. Your not going to understand now"he said. "Maybe later on in life"

Kathleen nod her head softly and walked around the room. "Well can I have different colors daddy"

"Like what?"Noah ask.

"I want pink, blue, purple....."

"Okay, I will redecorate your room"Noah chuckled. I laid Nylah down in her bed so she can sleep peacefully. But I'm a bit scared leaving her here by herself.

I kept thinking about Jade and how she might escape jail. I walk out the room leaving the door cracked. Noah look back at me with a worried look. "What's wrong Keva?"

"I'm scared that jade might come back and kill Nylah"I said. "Or maybe kill us"

"Keva, jade is lock up for good. She ain't getting out"Noah grabbed my hand. "I love you Keva. Don't ever forget it"

"I won't"I smiled. I kiss his lips moaning. I felt his hands roaming my body but I stop him. "Not right now baby, wait till tonight"

"Oh I will"Noah slap my ass causing me to gasp. I slap his back playfully then ran to my room like a little child.

Noah tackle me on the bed crawling on top me. He smiled then kiss me again.

I finally got my life back.

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