《|Chapter 4|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

Work. Work. And more Work. Its so agg but I have to get shit done. I'm the boss which is a blessing. I love my job but it's a lot of paperwork. Like my grandma use to say, 'A hard working woman is a queen'

I am a queen. I love to be the queen in my house. Noah loves that I'm in the queen but sometimes I have to listen to my king. He does the work around the house and pays the bills. I make sure its clean and food on the table. That's how life work.

"Morning baby"my best friend Alyssa walk in my office. She smiled with perfectly white teeth.

Alyssa been my friend since we was in college. We had our baby girls together. Got married on the same week. Even live in the same neighborhood. Yes girl, best friends forever.

How the way I describe Alyssa. She's funny, outgoing, and very smart. She knows what's going on around the office. Very messy. I be telling her to stop going around and trying to see who pregnant for who.

Me and Alyssa is the same age. 25 years old. Yes, and we looking more like 15 years old. But that's my girl.

"Hey alyssa"I said so not into the spirit. She bout to ask me a whole bunch of questions.

"What the hell wrong with you?Alyssa ask.

"It's complicated al"I sigh.

"Her and her man going through something Alyssa, leave her alone"that's Payton.

How can I describe Payton? Well she ain't like Alyssa. Payton more mean, tells you off, and sometimes sweet and kind. Payton is older then us. She's 28 years old. But I really don't understand why we all look young. Black don't crack baby that's why.

We met Payton here. At first she was the mean girl till we help her out when she lost her boyfriend, child, and her family. She wasn't feeling like working no more till i went to her apartment and ask her to come back. I practically begged her to come back. She did and got back work.

"Payton, wasn't you in Miami visiting your ex?"Alyssa ask.

"Yeah but I left cause i couldn't take it anymore with him and his bitch"Payton sat down in my chair.

"Wow, baby daddies problems"Alyssa laugh.

"Where is Paula?"I ask Payton.

"With my mom to get some school supplies. So happy that she finally in school"Payton tilt her back.

"Yeah mine is going to pre-k"I smiled.

"Pre-k? Thought that girl was going to kindergarten how smart she is"Alyssa said.

"Wish they can skip her"I sigh. Just then Carrie and jade walk in my office.

"Okay I'm here, what's the news?"Carrie ask.

"What news?"Payton ask.

"I wanted to tell y'all that i can't have kids anymore. I have infertility"I said. Alyssa and payton gasp.

"You serious right now"Payton said.

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