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One Week Later

"Mommy, I want Daddy"Kathleen said. I sigh wiping my tears away. I don't want my baby to sleep without a father. I don't want my baby to keep saying her she misses her father but I bet Noah doesn't miss her. I just shook my head and sniffle.

"Me too baby"I cried. I been crying all day. I lost my job, my home, my husband, and my baby. All because of this bitch name jade. Alyssa told me that we're having a girl. I'm so happy about that.

"Keva"my mom knock on the door. She came in with a smile on her face. "Someone here for you"she said. Kathleen jump up so fast and hugged Noah arms.

"I miss you so much my baby"Noah cried. He look up at me and smiled. "Come on"he said.

"Come on what?"I rolled my eyes.

"Come give me a hug"he said. I got up from the bed and went to him hugging him. "I'm so sorry baby, we have to talk about this now"

"Talk about what?"I cried.

"Jade"he stop hugging me and looked at me. "Kathleen go with your grandma"

"Okay Daddy"she hugged him one last time and ran off. I grabbed Noah hand and led him to the bed.

"What's going on?"I ask.

"Jade is....."Noah shook his head. "It all started when I was home alone. She kept wanting me to have sex with her. If I didn't she was gone kill the baby"a tear slid down his face. "I had to do it baby"he cried.

"Baby it's okay. I understand you trying to keep the baby safe but you could of told me she was keeping you hostage or......"

"She's keeping the baby hostage. If I do something she don't like, she will kill her"Noah said.

"It's a girl"I smiled.

"I wish it was a boy"he frowned.

"How we gone get the baby away from jade? How long do I have to wait?"I ask.

"She's 7 months now, so I guess 2 more months then we can grab that baby and arrest her"Noah said. "Heard from the detective yet?"

"How did you know?"I ask.

"Alyssa. She's telling me everything. She told me where you was gone be. I ask Alyssa to stay at the job so I can contact you through letters"he smiled. "Baby I miss you"he kiss my lips passionately.

"Listen to me Noah. We have to fight this, we can win this"I said.

"We can only win this if we play by her rule for a while and when the baby is here then we can stop playing by her rule"Noah said.

"Okay"I smiled. Finally God answered my prayers. I have my husband back and next my baby.

This can work. 

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