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I smiled to myself as I watch Noah drove me to my job so I can have the gender reveal and fire Keva myself

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I smiled to myself as I watch Noah drove me to my job so I can have the gender reveal and fire Keva myself. I sent a email to Keva boss and told him that Keva herself been taking money out the company. So they emailed me back and said that I'm the new CEO. So there will be changes made around.

"I'm so happy Noah"I smiled so hard. I grabbed his hand but he jerk it away. "Noah?"I looked at him.

"Leave me alone jade"he mumble. "I can't believe the shit you doing"he shook his head. "That's my wife. My kid"he sniffle.

"I'm your wife now! I have your kid!"I semi yelled. "Noah, she ain't shit. See how she ain't fighting for you"I smiled.

"She is. I can tell"he nodded his head. We finally made it to the job. I hop out the car slowly and went to the door. Everyone was already working and making phone calls. I made my way to Keva office seeing she wasn't in there. I smiled and took a seat in her chair.

"Jade"one of the workers came in. "That's Mrs. Johnson chair"

"I'm the new Mrs. Johnson"I said with a smile. "Is the balloons here?"I ask.

"What balloons?"she looked at me suspensions.

"The gender reveal balloons"I said.

"No ma'am. It's not here"she said. 

"What's your name again?"I looked at her.

"K-Katy"she stutter.

"Well Katy. Your my new assistant now"I smiled. She nodded her head and walk out the door. I look out the window seeing Alyssa looking at me. She shook her head and walked away.

I laugh evilly shaking my head. "I'm the boss now bitches"I smiled.

After sitting in my desk for a few minutes, finally the balloons was here. I smiled so widely cause I know Keva will be here soon. Everyone gather around me and Noah waiting for us to pop the balloon. "You ready baby?"I smiled.

Noah didn't say anything but just look down. "Anyways"I rolled my eyes. "Welcome everyone, I am jade Johnson"I showed them the ring I stole from Carrie jewelry box. Carrie had her older sister wedding ring. She was gone give it to me but I didn't want it from her. "I am the new CEO for this company"everyone gasp and whisper to themselves. I rolled my eyes at them and coughed a bit. "Yes your old boss stole money from the company so they decided to make me the new CEO"

"Now enough about that"--"Let the party begin"I smiled. I grabbed the big balloon and smiled. Everybody started clapping and cheering. I'm happy that their happy. I'm the new boss and there's nothing Keva or Alyssa can do about it.

"And the gender is........"I smiled and pop the balloon.

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