《|Chapter 6|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

"Hi Carrie"I walk in the house with a big smile on my face. I hug Carrie and then jade. 

"Hi, I'm Noah"Noah hug Carrie. "You must be jade"

"Y-Yes, hi"jade waved a little shy.

"So, when is the lady coming with the papers and other stuff?"Carrie ask.

"In a little bit, she should be here by now"I said.Kathleen came out her looking at jade. Jade waved at her and smiled. "That's Kathleen, our first child"I smiled.

"Say hi Kathleen"Noah said.

"Hi"she mumble lightly.

"She shy"I laugh. "And she doesn't want a little brother or sister"I said.

"I understand, I was the same"Carrie said.

"Me too. But my mom was the same as me, she couldn't have any kids after me so i grew up by myself"shawna  coughed a bit. "Or with my cousin"

"Hi, you must be Shawna. I saw a picture of you at keva office"Carrie shook Shawna hand.

"Yeah, I'm her best cousin"Shawna said causing jade and Carrie to laugh.

"How about you girls go sit down for a bit till dinner is ready"Noah said.

"Sure"Carrie and jade went to the table and sat down.

"Smells good Noah"jade said.

"Thanks, I'm a specialist at cooking. Keva bakes better then me"Noah laugh.

"So about work, what is our step?"Carrie ask.

"Let's not talk about work"I said. "I want to know some things about you"I smiled.

"Okay, ummmmm"Carrie look at jade. "I'm a lesbian"

"Oh okay very nice"Noah said. I can tell he was being sarcastic so I stomp on his feet. "Ouch!"

"You okay"jade touch his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine"Noah said.

"I'm 21 years old and I live in a apartment near our job. I have two dogs and a cat name Sammy, rex, and teddy. I love fashion, I love to do gymnastics, and I love to eat"

"Me too girl"I said.

"Ummm, I not really from here. I'm from California. Moved away from family cause my dad had passed away and I wanted to be alone"

"Why you pick Detroit tho?"Noah ask.

"I don't know, something about Detroit makes me feel special"Carrie smiled. I heard the doorbell rang in the front.

"I should get that"Noah stood up walking to the door.

"I want to know,  why you really want to be a surrogate?"I ask Carrie.

"Just want to help"she smiled.

"Everybody this is Dr. Smith, she will be the doctor to help us with the surrogate thinging whatever you call it"Noah said.

Dr. Smith laugh at him then sat down. "Thanks for introducing me Noah"she said. "Well, who's the surrogate?"

"I am"Carrie raised her hand. "Is there something I  have to do?"

"Yes we do.........."

As Dr. Smith ramble on and on to Carrie, jade was just looking at the doctor with an mug on her face. Like she didn't want Carrie to be my surrogate.  Carrie was just happy that she get to be a surrogate.

I can tell Carrie loves to help people. "So you got it"

"Yes ma'am, can't wait"Carrie smiled.

"We will begin the process next Wednesday, be prepare to carry a child for 8 months"Dr.Smith  shook our hands. "We'll talk tomorrow"

"Okay thank you"I smiled when she walk away.

"Ima walk out you Dr"Noah stood up and walk with the Dr out the house.

"I'm so excited to help you guys with having a baby. I know how hard it is to not have a baby"Carrie said.

"Yeah, I was devastated that I couldn't have any kids.  Well I could but they told me to get medication and therapies, I don't think I can handle it"I said.

Me and Carrie talk a lot that night. Jade didn't talk at all. She sat still while looking at her hand or feet. After talking so much, Carrie had to leave cause jade wanted to go home. They didn't even get to eat Noah food. It's whatever tho.


It's getting close. Something bad gone happen. But anyways. I want to thank ElQuOh for the book cover.

Yall follow ElQuOh if y'all want a book cover and her partner. Can't find her name.


Publish:May 30, 2018


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