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I look out my cell seeing the guards all talking to each other, laughing and smiling

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I look out my cell seeing the guards all talking to each other, laughing and smiling. This ain't a time to be smiling and having a happy moment. I want to see my babies. I miss Noah and Judith. I NEED TO SEE THEM!!

"HELP!!!"I scream out. "I need to see my baby!!!"I cried out. "Please!!"

"Ms. Washington. That's enough with the screaming!"the guard said.

"Go suck one of your friends dick. I hope your family dies!!"I yelled. I don't care. I'm already in jail for life. He look at the detective and shook his head.

"What you gone do?"he ask the detective.

"Ms. Washington, we just want to talk before you go to prison for life"the detective said. "Can you please cooperate with us"

"Can I see my baby"I cried.

"Ms. Washington. That's not your baby"she said. "That baby is for Keva Johnson........"

"Then no!! I won't cooperate!!"I yelled. The detective sigh heavily while rubbing her face. "I want my baby. I want my baby. I. Want.  My. Baby!!!!!"I screamed.

"Jade who is juniper?"the detective ask. I stop pacing back and forth looking at her. I gulp down taking about my pimp.

My pimp name Chris took my last baby name juniper. She was a beautiful little baby and I loved her so much. But when he took her away from me and kicked me out on the streets, I didn't have no other place to go. He took my baby.

I bust out crying for both my babies. Juniper and Judith. "I miss my baby"I cried.

"This is Detective Marsha. We can move jade Washington now"I heard detective Marsha say.

"Move me where?"I ask looking back at her.

"To the interrogation room. We need to hear from you that you killed Carrie......"

"I did it!!"I yelled.

"Did what?"

"God damnit. Are you slow?"I laugh. "I killed Carrie"

"Okay"she nodded her head.

I smiled evilly at her laughing. I don't care about nothing right now. I just want to leave and see my babies. My whole mood changed again. I bust out crying laying on the floor.

"Jade. Just to make you know that your daughter juniper is alive and well"the detective took out a picture. "Here"she gave me this picture of juniper smiling all happy and dressed up nicely.

"She have hair like me"I smiled

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"She have hair like me"I smiled. "Who she living with?"I ask.

"She's with this man name Chris...."

"Get her away from him. He will use her to be on the streets and sell her body to men who are nasty and disgusting"I cried remembering my old lifestyle.

"All I wanted to do was change"

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