« | Chapter 18 | »

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« J A D E »

I want to know why keva stormed out her office so quick. Was it Noah who made her mad? Or something else. I'ma find out at home.

The girls was all cleaning up their work area while my ass was just on the phone look up baby names, clothes, bags. I'm so happy.

"Jade, can you clean up your work area. It's time to go home"Payton said. She looked all drain. Did I do that?

"Wait please"I said. "Better yet, can you clean up my area. I'm a bit tired"I held my stomach. My plan is about to come alive. It's time for Payton to go.

"You serious right now"Payton said.

"Payton I'm pregnant, I can't clean up all this"I looked around at my work area and smiled. "Be a dear and do that for me"

"Oh hell no!!"I heard Payton yelled as I walked away. Alyssa was trying to calm her down but Payton said the words I wanted to hear. "I quit!!"

Thank you Jesus. Next it's Alyssa.

« H O M E »

I walked in the house hearing Noah talking on the phone. He was so into the conversation. He was smiling, laughing, and even rubbing his chin hair. Who he talking to?

"Hey Noah"I smiled.

"I'll call you back uncle. Yeah uhhhhhhhh the surrogate walked in the house soo....... Man no"he laugh. I folded my arms waiting for him to end the call. "Alright bye"

"That was your uncle?"I ask.

"Yeah, he live all the way in France. He's in the army"Noah said.

"Where is Kathleen and keva?"I ask.

"Keva took Kathleen to the zoo or park. But I wanted to ask you something"he said.

"Yes"I sat down in the chair.

"What did you do to Kathleen?"Noah ask.

I never did anything to the little brat. I did told her that me and her daddy will be together forever. She just stared at me and didn't say anything.

"Why you ask me that? I never done anything to her"

"She drew this picture of a lady holding a knife with a big round stomach and puffing hair"Noah said.

"Maybe your wife"I smiled.

"Wasn't my wife, she loves her"Noah said. "Listen Jade. I can tell you this right now, people don't like you"

"So, I don't give a fuck"I said.

"I know that. I'm here to protect you"

That made feel so good to know that my crush wants to protect me. "Thanks Noah"I smiled.

"But I'm only doing that cause I want my son to live"he said. "Once he's born, I want your ass out my house"

"No. It won't work like that"I said. "I'ma be here till the day he turn 1"I got up and walked away from him.

I need to get Noah on my side for good. But does that mean I have to stop being mean to people and get along with them so Noah can love me.

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