« | Chapter 27 | »

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"What's wrong with you?"Keva came in the room. She looked at with a frown. "You haven't been talking to me lately"she said.

"I'm sorry baby"I mumble.

"What's wrong?"she sat down next to me. She grabbed my hand and kiss it.

"I lost my job"I mumble loud enough for her to hear. "Rumors went around saying that teachers and coaches were having sex with students or touching them, but I never touch nun of them"I cried.

"Babe"Keva grabbed my face and kiss my lips. "It's okay, you can find another job. You can always open up that gym you wanted"

"I don't have the money for that"I shook my head. "I can't do it"

"Noah, all the money you saved up from working at that school. You can buy a gym"Keva said. "I know you"


"I know that you always wanted to be entrepreneur so go for it"Keva said. This is why I love her. She always talk to me and not fuss like my old relationship back in college.

"What about Kathleen and jade?"I ask.

"I got Kathleen and jade....."

"Baby I have something to tell you"I said. I have to tell Keva that jade had sex with me not once but twice. But I only did it to save my baby.

"What?"Keva smiled. That smile. I wanted to not tell her and keep it a secret but she's my wife.


"Kathleen says she's ready to go"jade cut me off. She was all dressed up. Her stomach was poking out nicely and her hair was in a bun.

"Ummmm okay, we're coming"Keva said. Jade stood by the doorway looking at me. "We can talk about this later"Keva stood up grabbing her purse. She walk out the room leaving me and jade staring at me.

"If you tell her"jade came closer to me. She bend down to my ear and lick my ear.

"This baby. Is dead"

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