«|Chapter 15|»

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« J A D E »

I look out the window seeing Noah car pulling up

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I look out the window seeing Noah car pulling up. Quick. I have to act like something happened at the apartment. I flip the couch over broke some glasses on the floor. Cut myself on the hand and face. I flip the TV breaking it. Had blood on the walls. I did pretty good.

Just then Noah knock on the door. I bust out crying then went to the door opening it. "Thank God you made it"I cried.

"Why you didn't call the police? Where is he?"he ask.

"He left. He told me if I call the police, he's going to come back and kill me"I said.

"What's his name? Is he like your ex or something?"Noah ask.

"No, that's the man who robbed me and Carrie"I cried. "And Carrie was my ex. Not him"

"Look, grab some clothes and come with me. You can stay with me, keva, and Kathleen till you get back on your feet"Noah said.

"Thank you Noah. I really appreciate it"I smiled warmly at him.

"Alright, let's get moving"I ran to my room and grab some clothes. But I really need some new clothes. So maybe I shouldn't bring these clothes. And my jewelry. They are all old. I need a new ring, bracelet, and necklaces. Earrings too.

I walk back to the living room with my hygienes stuff. I Noah was looking at some pictures of me and Carrie smiling. "You really loved her"

"Yeah. She was the love of my life"I said. "Sad how we didn't get to live a life"

"That's how me and keva are"Noah smiled. "At first, she was just a bet. But then I kind of caught feelings for her. We had Kathleen and got married, now living the best life"

I want my life to be like that. Except the bet part. "Wow"I smiled.

"Yeah. So uhhhhhhhh, where is your clothes?"he ask.

"I don't have any clothes. For some reason he took my clothes and jewelry"I said.

"Damn. Look, I'll buy some new ones for you"Noah said. Just then keva walked in with Kathleen.

"Oh God"she said. "Jade, are you alright?"

"I'm fine"I walked to the door rolling my eyes. Why did she had to come and ruin my moment with Noah? Just why.

I can't wait till Noah divorce her and marry me. But how I'ma make that work.

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