« | Chapter 30 | »

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The park was packed with people. I didn't know if it was a party or a family's day out. I looked around the park and started making my way towards the trees where jade said she was attacked at.

I kept walking blocking out everything from my mind. I wanted to help out Keva. I can see it in her eyes that she needed help. Jade is doing something to her family.

"Marsha? What you doing?"I heard my partner say behind me. I look at him and smiled.

"I'm looking for clues"I said. I looked around the grass and didn't see anything. "Check over there and see anything that involved the murder of Carrie"

"Gotcha boss"he said. "Again. Why are you doing this?"

"Just to help a friend out. Keva Johnson knew Carrie I'm supposed, she said jade, the girl who is carrying her unborn baby knew Carrie. Carrie was her lover"I said.

"Money problems"he said.

I sigh loudly. "I guess"I chuckle. I walk over to this tree and seen gloves. I grab the put on my gloves and grabbed the big set of rubber gloves. I can look on them and see dried up blood. "Damn"

I put the gloves in the bag and walk a little further till I finally spotted something on the ground. A knife. I pick up the knife and put it in a different bag. I have to get these to the lab and see who blood are on it.

"Marsha"my partner came back towards me. "I found a belt"

"What it look like?"he open the bag showing me the belt.


"A perfect match"the lab doctor or whatever you call them. "It matches the print on her neck"

I look at the picture of Carrie neck. "It's her belt right?"I ask.

"Yes"--"But Carrie wasn't wearing any jeans. Just some shorts and a sports bra"

"Somebody that knew very close and the last person that saw her had that belt"my partner said.

"You don't think it was in the car or the killer brought it"the lab doctor said.

"The corner said that carrie died before she came to the park"I said. "I think that jade girl killed her"

"We will see. We have the knife and gloves now"

"Find any finger prints or anything that belongs to jade or Carrie"I said then walk out the lab.

I made my way out the lab going back to the front. I hope the killer is jade. It have to be jade. But what is stopping the police to arrest her?

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