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I sat behind my desk looking at the jade old history. She been to jail not once but at least 12 times. It all started when she was 14 living in Los Angeles with her mother. Her mother died when she was 15. She had cancer. Jade will steal from pharmacy and stores for her mother. So they arrested her. At the age of 16, she was a prostitute and was on drugs. They arrested her again. She got out of jail and went live with a girlfriend in Chicago. In Chicago, she was in a gang, sold drugs, and prostitute again. Same as always, she went to jail. And it went on from there. Back and forth in jail.

"How did she get a job without checking her background?"I mumble.

"Detective"my partner came in. He drop a file on my desk. "There's the DNA found on the gloves, knife, and belt"he said. I took out the paper from the file. I read over it and nod my head.

"So jade was the killer"I said.

"Yes ma'am"--"Carrie blood was on it first then jade. The finger prints was jades"

"I have to tell Keva. Call then police and tell them that we are making a arrest on Jade Washington"I grab my jacket and phone. My partner nodded his head and walk out my office. That baby she is holding is in great danger.

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