《|Chapter 11|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

One week later

"How was the procedure?"my mom ask as I layed on the couch with Kathleen who was sleep in my arms.

"It went great"I smiled.  "Noah is happy"

"I can tell, he's singing around the house and cleaning"my mom eyes went wide.

"Mom he's happy that he finally having a baby that won't have any problems"I said.

"Like Kermit"My mom said. "Keva I think having a surrogate isn't really what y'all should of done"

"What you trying to say?"

"Jade rush to be a surrogate, she didnt even think for a second....."I cut her off so she won't say anything stupid.

"Mom, she is doing this to help me out. She said she's finishing what Carrie started"I said.

"I don't care. I would of adopt"My mom said. "You don't know if she want to keep the baby right after having it"

"I will make sure that won't happen"I said.

The day went by so quick. It was 10:47 already. Noah went out to the store to get jade some water. She doesn't have a car to bring her anywhere so Noah have to make some runs for her.

"I don't see why it's a problem Payton. I mean, she helping out"

"Yeah but she a bit weird girl like how you just volunteer so quick to be surrogate"

"Help. I don't know it does seems weird but I'm desperate for another child"

"Keva, who the hell will be so desperate for a child. I don't really like kids that much"

"Wow. Please don't say anything like that"I said as I was cleaning up my room.

"I'm sorry keva, I miss her so much but when she was with me, I couldn't take care of her"

"I know Payton. Just pray for it"I sigh. "Look Payton, ima see you tomorrow"

"Okay bye keva"

"Bye"I hung up and drop the phone on the bed. It's 11:00. It don't take that long to go to the store and drop some stuff off at jade and then come back. Or does it.

《 | N O A H | 》

I pull up to jade apartment to drop off some snacks. She still feeling a bit woozy after that procedure. I want to know why they made her come home.

I walk up the stairs going to jade apartment door. I knock on the door waiting for it to open. I heard shuffling in the apartment. What is she doing? Finally jade open the door. She wasn't fully dress.

"Hey Noah"She smiled.

"I uhhhh, bought you the stuff you need"I said.

"Oh thank you. I'm so happy that I'm carrying your child"

"And keva. This is keva baby as well jade"I said.

"Yeah her too"jade said bluntly.

"What you don't like keva?"I ask.

"I do love keva, she's my boss"jade said.

"Okay, I have to go. Keva probably waiting on me"I gave her the bag. When I walk away, something kept me wondering. If her and Carrie lived together, why are there pictures of Carrie and her. There was just pictures of jade and that's it.

Maybe she got rid of it them. I don't really know. It's just weird.


Things getting juicy. Keep the votes and comments coming.

Love and peace.

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