« | Chapter 22 | »

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I woke up feeling my head. I felt the other side of the bed and didn't feel Noah. Please don't tell me Noah stayed at John or Paul place. I got up from bed walking out my room. I walked to the staircase seeing Noah on the couch with his cover about his waist. Why he on the couch?

"Noah"I shook him to get up. He moaned a bit while rubbing himself then went back to sleep. I went around the couch and slap his stomach. "Noah! Get up!"I semi yelled.

"What?"he groan.

"Why the hell you on the couch? You could of got in bed with me"I said.

"I know baby but I couldn't even make it through the door. John helped me"Noah said.

"How did your clothes came off?"I ask.

"I took them off early this morning, around 3ish"Noah said. "You gone cook some breakfast?"he ask.

"I might"I said.

"Please cook for me baby"Noah smiled.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Fi....."

"I'll make some breakfast for you Noah"I heard jade say looking at me and Noah. She smiled at me and waved. "Morning Keva"

"Nah I'm good jade. My WIFE will make me breakfast"Noah grabbed my waist.

"Yes, his WIFE got it"I said then smiled at him. I can tell jade was mad. The way she looked at me made me think she wanted to kill me.

"Well WIFE, get to work"Jade said with an attitude. "Kathleen been asking me why you don't cook anymore"

My child shouldn't be talking to her. I don't even want my child near her. "Kathleen shouldn't be talking to yo ass!"I yelled.

"Oh my God. Please don't yell at me like that!"jade held her stomach. "I'm pregnant....."

"With my child!"

"Oh really. You ain't holding this baby. I am"jade smiled at me.

I really wanted to hurt her. I wanted to squeeze her damn neck and break her damn arm. I can just cut my baby out her damn stomach.

"Jade! That's enough!"Noah yelled.

"Ouuuuu, yell again zaddy. I like how you make me....."

"Bitch!!!"I was bout to grab her damn hair till Noah pulled me back.

"What kind of mother are you? You really gone hurt me and kill your baby"jade smiled.

"Jade, just go back upstairs"Noah said.

Jade looked at me and smiled. "Fine"she made her way back upstairs. I was breathing heavily trying not to scream out. I was so mad with this bitch.

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