« | Chapter 37 | »

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The whole park turn their heads towards jade as she fought the police, screaming and hollering. It was embarrassing for her. Some the police even arrested her friends cause they was bad guys as well. Marsha told me that jade was prostitute, was on drugs, and other bad stuff that jade did. Jade did had a mother but she passed away when jade was just a little girl. Well a teen.

"Fuck all of y'all!! I loved you Noah!! Why are you doing this to me?!!"jade yelled as the put her in the car. I shook my head and chuckle a bit.

"That's that"Marsha said. "We found Carrie killer"

"I can't believe she really killed Carrie. Was it for the money?"Noah ask.

"We will see. We have to bring her to court, interrogate her, lock her......"

"Wait"I stopped Marsha. "She's still holding my baby. I need my baby"I had a tear sliding down my face. Marsha look at Noah as he nodded his head.

"We do need our baby Marsha. I think keeping her at the hospital will be a safe place"Noah said.

"Plus she's stressed out so we don't know if this baby is ready to come out"I said.

"Okay, we'll take her to the hospital"Marsha said. She faced the police and told them to be careful with jade because she is holding our baby.

As me and Noah was bout to walk away from Marsha, we heard screaming from the cop car. I look over seeing Jade screaming while looking at her stomach.

"I think she's in labor. We have to get her to the hospital"Marsha ran to her car.

"Come on"Noah grabbed my hands. We ran to his car and hop in. "Mom, meet us at the hospital!"he yelled and took off.


I pace back and forth in the waiting room praying my little baby girl is okay. The doctor did said she was close to giving birth. I just want to hold her so bad.

I sat down in the chair and rubbed my face. Noah started rubbing my back and kissing my cheek. "She's okay baby"

"I know but I just want to hold Nylah"I sniffle.

"Nylah?"Noah smiled. "I love it"he kiss my lips.

"Mr and Mrs Johnson"the doctor came out the room.

"Is she okay?"Noah ask.

"Jade is fine......"

"Not her"I said. "The baby"

"The baby is perfect. She's in the nursery away from jade"the doctor smiled. I jump for joy and hugged Noah. I thanked God that my beautiful baby girl is okay.

"Can we see her?"Noah ask.

The doctor nodded his head and led us to the nursery. I look in the room seeing my baby girl crying her heart out. "She's beautiful Noah"I smiled.

"What's her name?"the doctor ask.

"Nylah"--" Nylah Marie Johnson"

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