《|Chapter 14|》

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《 K E V A 》

"Today at work was hectic"I said to Noah who was on the bed watching t.v. He look at me a bit then continue watching TV.

"What you mean hectic? Like the office went cray cray today"Noah said.

"No, Jade had got into it with Alyssa because jade went off on Payton"I said sighing.

"Okay maybe Payton started it"Noah said. "And jade just spoke her mind"

"Yeah but why was Payton crying huh. So jade did started something that made Payton mad and Alyssa step in. But of course I took up for jade"I said.

"You did a good thing. Payton probably deserves it"Noah ate on a chip while watching a basketball game.

"Babe, why you never show me any affection?"I mumble. I didn't hear anything. No chewing, no humming, nothing. I heard him kiss his teeth tho.

"Baby, I don't want to talk about it"Noah said.

"Why? Is it because I can't make no more babies for you. I'm useless"I said.

"Baby no"he got up and walk to me. He grab my waist from the back kissing my neck to my back. "I do show you affection. But right now, some things on my mind"

"Like what?"I ask.

He sigh a bit then gave me this note. "Coach Johnson. I want to see you more often after school. Gym isnt enough for me, I want you"

Who child is this? I sigh then smiled. "Ain't nothing to smile about"he said with a mean mug.

"I'm sorry baby, but what are you doing to them little girls at school?"I ask.

"Nothing. I don't do anything to them but just look at them and tell them what to do"

"What you mean look at them?"I put my hands on my hips.

"Watch them. Some of them likes to sneak their boyfriends in and have sex with them behind the bleacher"

"Oh wow"I sat down in the bed.

"It's to much. What if the girl lie and say that I did something to her if I don't spend time with her"

"Noah, this won't happen trust me"I said.

"Trust you huh"he kiss my back.

"Yeah"I nod my head. I turn around to him and kiss his lips passionately. He pull me on top of him still kissing his lips. "I want you baby"

"I want you too"he said kissing my neck going to my chest. He took off my bra then rub my nipples. As we trying to pleasure each other, Noah phone rung.

"Don't answer it"

"Baby what if it's important"he pick up the phone and answered it. "Hello.... Jade w-where are you?.... I'm on my way"Noah push me off him and got up.

"What happened?"I ask.

"Jade said someone just threatened her at the apartment"he said getting his wallet and keys.

"Wait I'm coming"I grab my purse and phone. I walk to Kathleen room and pick her up. She was still asleep in my arms.

I walk outside seeing Noah starting the car. I put Kathleen in her car seat then strap her up.


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