« | Chapter 25 | »

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Me and Alyssa went to the police station to find some clues about the murder of Carrie. Something doesn't seem right with Jade after the murder of Carrie. She quickly jump into being a surrogate. But why? She never talked to any of us at the job, she don't even like kids, and she to young.

"Hi, is detective Marsha her?"I ask the lady at the front desk. She took out her phone and dial some number. She waited and waited till finally Marsha answer.

"She's in the back"the lady said. Alyssa walk ahead of me and went to the back. I knocked on detective Marsha door waiting for her to say come in.

"Door open!"she semi yelled. I open the door with a smile. "Hi, you must be......"

"Keva. Keva Johnson"I shook her hand.

"And you are?"she look at Alyssa.

"Alyssa. Her co-worker"Alyssa said.

"Okay, y'all have a seat"I sat down in the chair looking at her pictures of kids and her husband. "What seems to be the problem?"

"I have this girl who is my surrogate. Her name is jade and she was with Carrie, the girl who died at the lake or was robbed, I think jade have something to do with it"I said.

"Well, we did look at some clues. We kind of think jade do have something to do with it"detective Marsha took out a picture of Carrie's body. "You see the neck. It's like a belt strangle her. She was already dead before she came to the lake. We ask the driver who drove jade somewhere safe did he seen anyone in the woods, he said no. No truck, no car. Only theirs"

"That's strange"Alyssa said.

"What if we go back to the scene, scope it out and see if there's anything missing?"I ask.

"I don't think you can go but we will try and find something, as for the apartment. We will scope that out too"detective Marsha said.

"Okay"I nod my head. Me and Alyssa shook her hand goodbye then walk out the office.

"You okay?"Alyssa ask me.

"I'm fine"I said as my hands was shaking. "I'm so scared Alyssa. I have a killer in my house and holding my child"I cried.

"Come here"Alyssa hugged me. "It's okay. Once the detective knows it's jade, we'll get the baby and put her ass in prison"

I nod my head then smiled. We left the police station and went to out to eat.

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