« | Chapter 21 | »

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« N O A H »

"Babe, I don't think I can take this shit anymore

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"Babe, I don't think I can take this shit anymore. Jade is getting out of hand"Keva said as she followed me around the house.

"What are you talking about? She ain't doing nothing wrong to us"I semi yelled.

"Noah jade made Payton quit on us. Payton was my best girl. Who does that?"Keva whined.

"Look, ever since when jade got pregnant you been acting really weird about it. Coming up with lies about her"

"That you won't believe. Noah, she threatened our daughter!!"Keva semi yelled.

"I know keva! I saw the damn pictures!"I yelled.

"Okay then something is wrong with Jade. She can't stay here when the baby comes"Keva said. I was getting very irritated with Keva. I need a drink.

"I'm going to the bar with the guys. John picking me up"I said walking out my room to the living room. Kathleen was on the couch with Jade watching TV. "Be good Kathleen"I kiss her forehead.

"Daddy, where you going?"she ask.

"I'm going out okay. Need some time away from mommy right now"I said.

"Are you and mommy mad at each other?"Kathleen ask. I looked at Jade knowing she have some shit to explain after she's done with the pregnancy shit. But I have to let her slide cause she's pregnant with our baby and hormones are kicking in.

"No"I chuckled. "Be good okay"I walk to the front door and open it. I saw John in his blue mustang GT listening to music. I walk to the passenger side and hop in.

"Wazzam player"he gave me a dap.

"Man, stop calling me a player"I laugh.

"You should be. You fucking your wife and your surrogate"he said.

"John I ain't fucking her. Only my wife"I said.

"Yeah right. We'll see"John laugh making his way to the bar.

 We'll see"John laugh making his way to the bar

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« B A R »

I watch as John, Chris, and Paul drunk up to 2 shots of whiskey. It's weird seeing John drink 2 shots knowing he's a Christian man. But me. I had at least 4 shots and was already talking shit.

"I'm telling yall, my man Noah is fucking the surrogate"Chris and Paul laugh at John.

"J-John, you can h-have jade"I slurred. "She's k-knocked up"the all laughed at me.

"Yeah by you"Chris said.

"Fuck life"I waved at the bar tender. "Another please"

"Yes sir"

"What your wife think about her?"Paul ask.

"K-Keva hates J-Jade"I slurred.

"Damn"Chris chuckled.

"Jade made Payton quit. Now Alyssa and Keva are unhappy and thinks she should leave"I rubbed my head. "She pregnant man, she didn't mean to get Payton mad and leave"I laugh.

"Yeah but did you say that jade was gay?"Paul ask.

"She's bi I think"--"give me some water"

The bar tender came back with a glass of water for me. "I don't know what to do with this girl"I shook my head.

"She ain't that bad though. I met her"John said. "Pretty girl"

"Kathleen drew a picture at school showing a pregnant woman with a knife or something"I said. "Kathleen is scared of her"

"Cut her lose man. Put her ass in a apartment"Chris said.

"She had an one but somebody broke in"I said.

"Welp, you at a hard place my friend"Paul panted my back. I shook my head at them. I can feel myself getting a little sober but now I want some more whiskey.

« Home »

I walked inside sighing heavily. I drop my house keys on the table then walk to the kitchen. I turn the lights on to the kitchen.

I open the fridge door grabbing some kool-aid I made for myself. When I close the door, I jump once I seen jade naked. Her baby bump was sticking out perfectly.

"Jade, put some clothes on. My wife will catch you"I said gritted my teeth.

"Boy please, you know you want me Noah"she played with her breast. "Noah, this is my hormones"she moan.

"Play with yourself"I said. I don't want to shove my dick in front my baby face.

"No, please help me"she grabbed my belt and then unbutton my pants.

"Only one time and that's it"I said.

"Fine with me"

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