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Nylah Marie Johnson 5 months old

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Nylah Marie Johnson
5 months old

"Awwww, look at my little baby"Noah came in the room seeing Nylah all dressed up for a day out with me and my mom. Kathleen was gone have a day with Noah since she haves a nasty attitude all the time. But that's how Kathleen is when it comes down to mommy and daddy having a new baby.

Nylah been a very good baby since she's getting bigger and fatter. Her cute chubby cheeks makes me just want to kiss them all the time. I pouting lips are so cute. She's just so adorable.

"Daddy, come on"Kathleen pulled Noah hand. He smiled down at Kathleen and chuckle.

"I'm coming sweetheart. Let me grab my hat and keys"Noah said. He walk to the closet so he can grab his hat. Kathleen looked at Nylah and cracked a smile as Nylah smiled back all hard.

"See, she loves you"I smiled.

"I love her too mommy. But why she came out the other lady?"Kathleen ask.

"Jade wasn't her mother okay. I'm Nylah mother"I said. "Once you get older, you will know what surrogate means"

Kathleen kept watching Nylah and played with her feet. They both laugh and played some more. "Her socks are funny"Kathleen laugh.

"Mhmmmm"I smiled. I fixed Nylah bow on her head. I look up seeing Noah with a camera taking pictures.

"Daddy, why you taking pictures?"Kathleen ask. Noah came and sat next to me.

"Come look at the pictures Kathleen"Noah said. Kathleen sat on Noah lap and smiled at the pictures. It was a beautiful moment between the girls and I. I can tell they will grow up loving each other. They won't let each other go.

I can tell Nylah will be a loving person. She's just like Noah but a little like me. Kathleen will be there to guide her through life. I will be there too. As well as Noah.

I just hope that no one won't come between me and Noah again. Jade fucked up everything but why? She knew I loved Noah and knew Noah loved me. She tried to take my husband, my house, and my baby leaving my other baby left out. But she done fucked up her plan. Now I have my family back. Ain't no body breaking this family apart.

The End


Okay so that is it with The Surrogate That Stole My Life. I really liked this book I created. I think this was the only book about a crazy surrogate. If it wasn't, let me know who did another book like this so I can read it.

Y'all let me know if y'all want pt of TSTSMY. Cause I'm already planning it.


Ask some questions on here about the characters or author. Next chapter I can post y'all questions and ima answer it.

Let me know if y'all like that plan.

Love y'all and thanks for reading my book. Specially this book.

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