《|Chapter 5|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

I made it home just in time. Noah was already in the house getting dinner ready for our little company. Even though I'm a bit nervous about this, I'm kind of happy that we finally can have a baby. But by someone else. That's the weird part.

I exit my car and lock it up. I walk inside hearing the music play. Noah love listening to the maze. Southern girl was his favorite song.

"Babe"I called out. I walk to the kitchen seeing Noah dancing only with an apron on. His black ass was showing. He turn to me showing his beautiful face with that sexy smile.

"Hey baby"he smiled.

"Someone is happy"I said. I put my purse on the counter and walk towards him seductively. He smiled every time I came close.

"Yeah, get to have a child finally"he smiled.

"We have Kathleen"I said.

"I know. I still love her but think about her being the only child in this house"Noah wrap his arms around my waist.

"I guess this is good for her"I smiled. "Carrie said she's bringing jade with her"

"Jade? Who jade?"Noah ask.

"Jade is my worker. She's  new to the business"I said while putting my hot water I had in the car in the fridge.

"Oh okay. Why she coming anyway?"Noah ask.

"I really don't know"I sigh. "Those two are like peas and in a pot. They glued together"

"You don't think that they are....."Noah smiled then laugh.

"Really, no. I don't think Carrie get down like that"I said.

"Yeah right. We'll see okay"Noah peck my lips. "I'm going to the store to get some hand towels and liquid detergent"

"Okay, love you"

"Love you too"he walk to the room to get dress. I stayed in the kitchen getting some chips from the pantry. "You ain't suppose to eat that"Noah said walking out the house.

I shook my head still eating the chips. I walk to the living room turning the tv on. The news was on. I hate watching the news. All they talk about is people killing each other. I don't want to see people hurt and killed.

"Momma"I heard Kathleen voice. I turned around seeing my mom and my favorite cousin Shawna.

"Omg shawna is back from the army"I went up to her and hug her. We both cried a bit cause this is like my first time in a year seeing her. She only saw Kathleen when she was only 10 months old and then she left.

"Yeah, I'm back. They laying me off though"shawna said.

"Why? I thought you love the army"I said.

"Well. President trump is ruining everything"she said.

"Yeah but you stay with your team no matter what"I said.

"No matter what. There is a matter to this, I'm pregnant keva"shawna said. I smiled so wide and hug her again.

"Mommy can't get pregnant"Kathleen said. She talk a lot for a 3 year old.

"Wait what? You can't preggy?"Shawna ask.

"Yeah, I have infertility. Me and Noah are thinking about having a surrogate which we already thought about and we find one"

"Who? What's her name?"my mom ask.

"Carrie, the girl from my job"I smiled.

"I thought Alyssa will be the one"my mom said.

"No, she said she didn't want to or something else she said"I said.

"Oh poor girl"the door open and we heard a whistling sound. Noah.

"Hey fam"he smiled. He kiss my mom cheek then kiss Shawna cheek.

"Mmmmmm Noah, you got finer over the years"shawna licked her lips.

"Oh, did I"Noah smiled.

"Yeah, you use to be ugly as hell when keva met you but you got something going on"she said.

"Mhmm"Noah started back cooking.

Me and Shawna went to the back yard where the pool was. We sat on the lawn chairs and continue to talk about everything. Shawna told me the man that got her pregnant lives in Iraq. She said it wasn't a rape case, he liked her and liked him. Had a one night stand and bam, she's pregnant.

"So is he coming down here to take care of you or you going back to him?"I ask.

"Supposely, he said he coming to America but they might kick his ass out"she said.

"They can't do that unless he lie and say he have a job to do down here"I said.

"I don't know"she sigh.

We kept talking till Noah came outside. "They here"


"The surrogate and her company"Noah said.

"I want to see this surrogate"Shawna stood up and walk inside the house.

"You ready?"Noah ask.

"Been ready"


So that's chapter 5 for y'all.

How y'all liking it?

Is it good?

Sorry if I'm asking the same question lol

Words: 836

Published:May 30, 2018





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