《|Chapter 13|》

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《 | J A D E | 》

Everything is working out fine

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Everything is working out fine. I'm now 2 months into this pregnancy. I'm so excited that im having Noah child. He can't leave me now. I just need to get close to him. How ima do that though?

"What you reading?"Payton ask. I was at work today learning about babies and pregnancy problems. I showed Payton the book and smiled. "Oh babies"

"Yes. I love them"I smiled trying to provoke her. I know about Payton background with her daughter.

Payton never loved her daughter. She had bad habits with her husband and family. I know her whole story.

"I see that you do"she nod her head and sat down in her chair.

"Have you talked to your mother and father?"I smiled.

Payton look at me weird. "Excuse you?"

"Have. You. Talked. To....."

"That's nun of your business jade and don't push it"Payton said.

"Now you mad"I chuckle. "You should of never did what you did when your baby girl was born"I got grabbing the book I was reading. I slam the book on her desk. "Learn something for once"

I walk towards the snack area. I need me a snack cause this baby is hungry. Or is it me? Probably me.

"Jade what the hell you told Payton?"Alyssa came up to me. What the hell she want?

"I told Payton she need to change her life"I smiled.

"Do you know what the hell happened in her pass? You can't just go and tell people to change their lives like that jade"Alyssa said.

"I can do whatever the hell I want"I whispered.

"Oh really!!I don't give a damn that you is keva surrogate, I can still kick your ass!!"Alyssa yelled. I saw keva coming out the office a bit confuse.

"Oh please Alyssa don't hurt me"I fake cried.

"Al, what the hell are you doing?"Keva ask coming up to us.

"This bitch......."

"Language please"keva said.

"She putting Payton on blast. Telling her to fix her life, keva I watch jade the entire time"Alyssa said.

"Jade is this true?"keva ask.

"No, she is lying on me"I said covering my chest. "I can never hurt Payton like that"

"Alyssa, my office please"keva said walking back to her office.

Soon to be my office when I fire Payton and Alyssa. And then take over keva job.

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