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I arrived at t pre- school to see what the hell is going on with Kathleen

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I arrived at t pre- school to see what the hell is going on with Kathleen. What did she do?

"Hi, I'm Kathleen Johnson mother keva Johnson. My husband called me and said that something is wrong with my daughter?"I ask the desk lady.

"Mrs. Johnson"I heard another lady called me. I turn to her and smiled noticing it was Kathleen principal.

"Hi, what's going on with Kathleen?"I ask.

"Let's talk in my office"she said. I nod my head and walk to the office with her. I sat down in the chair and waited for her to say something. "Okay soooo Kathleen first day here was marvelous. She did well"

"Okay, that's good"I said with smile.

"But these last months, she been declining"oh shit. "She's been showing signs of depression. Like all her pictures she drew was about this lady holding a knife stabbing her"

"A-A lady"I look at the picture. It was a lady with a big stomach and puffing hair. This can't be.

"Do you know the lady or......"

"I don't know this lady. Maybe she watched a scary movie and start having dreams about this lady"I said.

"Is anyone else in the household with you and your husband?"she ask.

"Ummmmm, yeah. Her name is jade and she's pregnant with our baby"I said. "Our surrogate"

"Could you talk to your daughter about the surrogate?"she ask.

"And tell her what?"

"Just talk to her. Take her to the park and ask her some questions about the surrogate"the principal said.

I nod my head. "Can I take her home now?"I ask.

"Yeah sure"the principal said. I got up from the seat and walk with her out the office. "Ms. Hampton, this mother want to sign her daughter out"

"Okay, what's her name?"she ask.

"Kathleen Johnson"I said.

"Okay, she will be here shortly"the desk lady said.

"Thank you"I smiled and sat down in a chair. I took out my phone and seen a text from Noah.


Hubby - what the people said?

Me- something to do with Jade. I have the picture

Hubby- keva stop it. Why is you blaming everything on jade? She didn't do shit

"Mommy!!"Kathleen came running to me.

Me- we bout to see

"Hey my baby"I hugged her. She hugged me back and smiled.

"Where we going mommy?"she ask.

"Somewhere"I put the picture in my purse. It was a bit horrifying. I need to get to the bottom of this.

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