«| Chapter 16|»

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"I think she have a problem with me keva

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"I think she have a problem with me keva. I'm tired of her"Alyssa said.

"Alyssa, I don't want to hear it anymore okay. She's just going through some hormonal changes"I said.

"Hormonal my ass, you need to talk to her and tell her that she needs to stop coming at me and Payton"Alyssa said pointing at Payton who was sitting in the chair all upset.

"I'm sorry girls, just get back to work"I said. Alyssa sigh heavily and walk out my office.

"You got to listen to her keva, she's telling the truth"Payton said.

"I know she is. Jade haven't been easy at home either"I said sitting down in my chair. "She been telling Kathleen some stuff. Well actually taking care of Kathleen"

"Why would you even let her come close to Kathleen?"Payton ask.

"Payton, don't you have a cover to finish"jade walked in covering her baby bump. I just wish that was me. Payton looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"She's coming jade. Just a sec"I said sipping on my coffee.

"No I think she should come now. I need some help with the cover"jade said with a smile. Payton shook her head and walked out the office. Jade didn't follow her but stood in my office looking around.

"Can I help you with anything?"I ask.

"Yes"she sat down in the chair. "What you think the baby will be?"

"Probably a boy"I said.

"I really want a girl"she smiled. She really want what? This ain't her baby.

"You are just the surrogate. Not mother"I said. I didn't know that I actually hurted her feelings but she cried right when I said that. She kept crying over a minute till she finally wipe her eyes and looked at me.

"I am the mother of this baby. I carried it. You did nothing"she said. She got up from the seat and walked out my office door.  Is she serious right now? I shook my head then looked at my phone seeing a text from Noah.


Hubby- baby get to Kathleen Pre-K school now

Me- what are you talking about? What's going on?

Hubby- I'll talk to you later about it

I grab my keys and jacket. I put on my jacket then grab my purse walking out my office then close the door.

"Alyssa, I have to go to Kathleen school"I said.

"What happened?"

"It's an emergency"I said making my way to the elevator. I hope nothing bad happened.

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