《|Chapter 12|》

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《 | K E V A | 》

One month later

"Babe!!! Come on we gone be late"Noah said. Today is the day we see if the procedure work.

"I'm coming"I walk down the stairs with Kathleen behind me.

"Mommy, I don't want to go"Kathleen whined. I don't have time for this.

"Kathleen, I don't care what you want. You don't have wants"I said grabbing her hand exited the house. I lock the door and then walk to the car. I put Kathleen in her carseat then hook her up.

I hop in the car and we took off from the house. "We have to pick up jade, right?"Noah ask.

"I hope not. We gone be really late"I said.

"Call the doctor and tell her that we would be late"Noah said. I called the doctor and told her that we will be late.

The doctor office is about 1 hour away from us. We don't really live in the city. We live outside the city.

Noah pulled the car up to jade apartment. She came walking down the apartment stairs looking for our car till Noah blew the horn.  She came to our car and hop in.

"Hi y'all"she smiled then waved. Kathleen just look at her while I waved at her.

"You look good. Are you feeling good bout this?"I ask.

"Yeah, I'm happy"she smiled. I smiled back and turn back to look at the road. I hope this work.

《 | D O C T O R S |》

I walk up the stairs into the doctors office with Noah and Kathleen. Jade was in front of me walking in the office.

I went to the window to sign in but the doctor just told us to come to the back. I walk to the back with jade while Noah carried Kathleen. We walk inside the room looking around. I look at the big tv and the computer stuff.

"Okay, jade ima need you to lay down for me"the doctor said. Jade nod her head and laid down.

The doctor put some jell on jade stomach then rubbed it. She jump a bit and look at the screen. I didn't see anything, didn't hear anything.

"What's going on?"I ask.

"I'm not seeing anything"the doctor said. She move to another side and finally we all heard it. "There it is"she smiled.

"The baby"I said smiling wide. 

"Look perfectly fine and healthy. It work"she said. I smiled with Noah. I just wanted to cry. It really worked.


I really dont have any idea what I wrote. It wasn't good like I wanted it.

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