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"Okay, I need more then just 10 copies

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"Okay, I need more then just 10 copies. I need at least 30. Thank you"I hung up the phone and look outside my office seeing everyone working. A few things was missing though. Like Payton. Why did Payton have to leave? And Carrie. God, I miss her. She was always the peace maker. Now, she not here and everything is going down hill. I was gone make her the next CEO when I leave. I'm not staying here for long. I want to do more things.

"Keva, can I talk to you"one of my workers came in.

"Yes. What is it?"I ask. She sat down on in the chair looking down.

"It's about that girl jade. She's weird to me"she said. "She threatened me saying that I might be the first one to leave once she gets the job as CEO"

"You know what. How about you don't worry about jade being CEO cause she won't. Trust me"I smiled lightly. She nod her head and got up from her seat.

I sigh heavily looking at my phone. "Hey you okay"Alyssa came in my office.

"What you think. That jade girl have to leave"I said.

"I thought she was carrying your baby"Alyssa said.

"Yeah"I frowned. That's the only thing I'm worried about is the baby and Noah. Noah seems to like jade a bit. I noticed it. He always helping her. "Are you okay?"

"No"she frowned. "Everyone I knew is gone. Payton, Carrie, and even the new girl who was here for 2 weeks left because of that bitch"

"You know what, something ain't adding up about that girl"I said.

"What you mean?"Alyssa ask.

"I don't think some man killed Carrie"I said looking at my phone.

"What you think?"Alyssa ask.

"I think she killed Carrie herself"I said looking up at Alyssa.

"Why would you think that?"Alyssa chuckled.

"I don't know. Something telling me that she killed Carrie and I'ma go and find out that she did"I grabbed my phone and bag pushing my chair in.

"Keva, I don't think they will want for you to get into that"Alyssa got up and followed me.

"Are you coming with me?"I ask.

She thought for a minute and looked back at Payton desk.


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