« | Chapter 26 | »

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After the visit to the police station, I drop Alyssa back off home. I drove home listening to Ella Mai. I bob my head then look at my phone just to see if Noah texted or called. But he didn't. That's weird. I quickly pull off from the stop sign and then turn left going down the street to my house. I hope Noah picked up Kathleen.

I parked my car in the driveway and turn the ignition off. I sat in the car for a while and then got out. I close the door locking it while making my way to the door. As I was bout to unlock my door, I heard moaning outside the guest room. I quickly open the door then slam it. The moaning stop.

"Noah!"I called his name. If he doesn't answer or come out a room naked, I'm whooping her ass and his.

My wish came true. Jade came out the room naked with the sheets covering her body. "Hey Keva"she smiled.

"Where is Noah?"I ask.

"Ummmm, I think he went to pick up Kathleen"she smiled. That smiled was giving me the creeps. I look down at my phone seeing a text from Noah saying he was picking up Kathleen. "Are you leaving out again?"jade ask.

"Why you asking?"I folded my arms.

"I just wanted some hygienes stuff and food. The baby is hungry"jade smiled. "Oh and when is the baby shower?"

"I'm thinking about it"I lightly smiled thinking about having another baby shower.

"I think we should have one. This is y'all first boy so why not"Jade said.

"Okay"I nod my head. Just then Kathleen and Noah walked in the house laughing. "Hey my baby"I smiled. Kathleen ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"I miss you momma"she kiss my cheek. "Can we go out to eat?"

"Ouuuuuu, that will be nice"jade said. Noah rolled his eyes and walk to our room.

"Okay we will. Just for you"I said with a smile. "Now how was school?"I ask walking around the kitchen. Kathleen didn't answer me. I turn to her seeing Kathleen looking at the door. Jade was standing there with her back facing the door smiling at me.

"I was just looking outside"jade smiled.

"Ummmm, okay"I nod my head. Shit wasn't adding up. I heard moaning when I got home. It wasn't Noah cause he went to pick up Kathleen. So it was someone else she was fucking. For one, I don't want her fucking if she's pregnant. I don't want no fucking nasty ass nigga dick pushing my baby's head with his head.

This girl is completely strange.


Y'all I'ma keep updating this book. Don't worry. I didn't forget about this book.

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