Chp One. The Little Omega

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Hello, guys here is chapter one and I hope you will enjoy the story. this story is going to be about Taehyung


Taehyung pov

I was walking back home, I just got done shopping for food because my mother told me to. My mother is beta as my father is an alpha. But for me... I'm a male omega...

I finally made it home but when I was about to unlock the door, it was already opened and I can tell someone forced it to open. I was scared to walk inside but my body moved on its own.

When I walked inside everything was a mess, it looked like a tornado came in and trash up the place, there was definitely a fight.

I set the stuff down and went looking for my mother, I looked in every room except this one. I swallowed my spit as his hands slowly grabbed the doorknob, my hand was shaking so badly it was embarrassing.

I turned the handle and opened the door slowly, when I looked inside, it was worse than what it looked out here. The walls and the floor had so many scratch marks, there were holes in the wall as everything was broken.

I don't see my mother in here and was hoping she was okay but that thought went away when I walked in further. There was a pool of blood on the floor and there, my mother in her human form naked, on the floor as her body was all cut up and she was so pale. There was no life in that body.

I started to cry as he fell to the floor because I couldn't stand anymore. Who killed my mother? Why did they come here? What were they looking for? So many questions and I don't know the answers too.

A scream..... A scream was heard and made me stand up, the next thing I knew, I was looking out of the window. Wolves fight other wolves, young females being taking as well the children.

My pack was being attacked by the eastern pack. My pack is the southern pack. I quickly went to wolf form and ran out of the house.

As I was running, I found my father, our pack leader, about to fight a wolf. I didn't want to watch but I did.

My father made the first move, he ran up to the wolf and bit his neck and I heard a cry from the wolf. As I thought my father was winning, two more wolves came and attacked my father and he fell to the ground.

I couldn't watch more so I ran... I ran far from my pack and I guess I wasn't lucky enough. There was a wolf behind me, chasing me. I may be weak but I'm fast as hell.

I found a place to hide, I was hiding in a cave-like a thing. I heard the leaves crunching as the wolf walked on them, a low growl came from his mouth.

As I thought I was going to die, a really nice scent hit me and the wolf was going crazy. I was so lost in smelling that scent that I didn't realize there were wolves fighting. I was brought back by a yelp of a wolf and I knew this was a chance to run.

I ran and ran till I can't anymore. I found a river and walked up to it to get a drink. But that didn't happen...

Two wolves grabbed me and I tried to fight back but since I'm a male omega, I was weak. Next thing I knew, everything went black.

When I opened my eyes and looked around, I was in bed, the room wasn't that big and it was nice.

The door suddenly opened and a tall male, he had a smirk on his face, he had dark brown hair and you can see a big scar on his face.

"Hello... Little omega" the deep low voice creeps me out. I wasn't going to transform into my human form, I sat there, my ears tucked and my tail down. I can tell he is an alpha.

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