Not a chapter (Q&A thingy)

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So the year 2020 have been going good for me and I have made some goals for this year. 

My number one goal is to graduate high school then get a job, a car and a place to live. I

The other goals that I want to make this year is to finish this book and to make my first comic and animation. 

But I may not get some of these goals but that is okay. 

So the reason i am making this lil not a chapter thing today is to talk to you guys. 

So I am thinking of making an Q&A about me so you guys can get to know me more. 

So far what is happening in the story, Me. Jeon is the bad guy in the story and he wants Taehyung for himself because he knows about Tae. Jin is an male omega and he had one child that is a boy with Joon, Tae and kook had three together and so far you know that Jeongsan and Taekwon are like Taehyung, an omega but taeguk, the girl, is an alpha like her father. 

In chapter 26 you guys found out that Jungkook is a ruler blood alpha but his father does not know about this because his mother never told anyone. 

Taehyung has a twin brother that is an alpha, Taesung, he also had a sister but she is not alive. She was sacrifice for Taehyung because Tae was not alive when he was born. 

Then there is the moon, the Royal Moon, which is red and blueish/purple. It's like half blood moon and half witch moon, something like that. So this moon is very very rare and when it comes up, it makes the chosen mates more stronger... and the chosen ones are Taehyung and Jungkook because Jungkook has Royal alpha blood and Taehyung has witch blood as well, so the moon activates their inner wolf and yeah...

Btw I am trying my best to explain things.. its just I'm not that good at that...

And now everyone had been capture by Mr. Jeon but he did not get taehyung, the kids or Jin because they were hidden under the floor. And now Taehyung is going to leave Jin with the kids as he goes to get his pack, his new family, and that will be in chapter 28 which is what I am working on. But before I publish chapter 28 I want to update the story Twins Love... if you have not check that out you should go and check the story out and I have other small taekook stories as well and you guys can go and check them out. 

I have been typing these chapters in school so I may not be able to get much done but I will try to get as much done as I can. 

So I'll be doing an Q&A on Friday which will be 1/17/20 

Ask me questions here and I'll answer them on 1/17/20

I'll try my best to answer all of them but if I can't I am sorry. 

I hope you guys are liking this story because I am liking it and I feel proud how far it has gone... and this was my first fanfic and story and the story to be publish. 

So if it weren't you guys, I don't where I would be right now... you guys make me want to keep on writing and making more stories. 

I have a lot of story plots in mind and soon they will become stories and be publish on here.

Oh, I have another account which for my non fan fics, I don't have any publish on it yet because I have been working on my story call Beast Killer which will be publish here soon I think. 

the other account is @shishi111601

Q&A this Friday 

And thank you to all my readers for being with me and liking my story.

 Heart you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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