Chap. 16

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Hello, my readers, I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been so busy with school and I lost my key-bored to my laptop/tablet thingy. So I haven't been able to update because I like to type on key-bored. 

but I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for being my readers and don't forget to comment, I love reading them. 


Taesung and Taehyung made it to the hose when they walk in, they saw Namjoon sitting up. Taehyung gets down and runs up to him. 

"You're alive!" The omega yelled as he sat down next to him and hug him carefully. Namjoon chuckled as he pats Taehyungs back, he then looks up to see Taesung. 

Namjoon gets up fast and growled at Taesung as he didn't know who he was, "Who are you and what did you do to Taehyung," he asked. 

Taesung looks at him as he walks up to him slowly so he could see him more. Namjoon steps back as he seen the alpha, "... you... look like Taehyung, who are you," he asked and Taeyhyung ran next to him. 

"he is my twin brother... but he is not an omega like me, he is an alpha like kookie," Taehyung explain. 

Namjoon sat back down as he put his hand on his stomach, "ah... I thought they took you as well Taehyungt" Namjoon mumble. Taehyung walks up to him.

"let me see it," The omega says as he looks Namjoon in the eyes, Namjoon tilted his head a bit as he looks at him, "see what," he asked. 

"the wound," Taehyung says as he grabs a box, Taesung sits down in the chair as he watches them. 

A few hours later, Namjoon was looking at Taesung, "I can't trust you," he says as he takes a sip of the tea that the omega had made. 

Taesung sighs as he sets his cup down, "Okay but I won't hurt my lil brother... he is the only family I have," he says and Namjoon looked down. 

"Okay so Taehyung told me that his mate and hyungs are in trouble," Taesung said and Namjoon looks at Taehyung then at Taesung. 

Namjoon sighs, "I'll tell everything you need to know..." he says and Taesung smiles. 

"and I want to help you guys," Taesung says and Namjoon nods. As the two alphas talk, the omega went to a room and look at the closet as he thinks of Jin. 

Out of nowhere, Taehyung hears Jungkooks voice, 'tae... tae can you hear me' the alpha link up to his omega. 

Tears build up in the omegas eyes as he was happy to hear from his mate, 'kookie!' the omega link back.

Jungkook softly chuckled, 'hey... Hobi, Yoongi, and Jimin are free. But I did not make it out,' he says. Taehyung sits down and looks at the floor. 

'Don't come for me, they are after you,' the alpha says, 'so stay there and wait for Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi to get there,' he commands and Taehyung bite his lower lip.  

'kookie... Kookie!... Jungkook!' Taehyung lost Jungkook, he couldn't link up to him. He then ran out to the two alphas, "We need to get Jungkook, I lost him... I couldn't link back to him." Taehyung starts to cry, Taesung walk up to him and held his brother close to him. 

"okay, lets go and get your mate," Taesung says as he rub his back. 

"Jungkook said that Jimin and the others are on there way here," Taehyung mumbles as he wipes his face. 

"Okay, Namjoon I thin you should stay here and we will get his mate back..." Taesung says as Namjoon nods. 

"and when the others get here, I'll go and get my mate back," Namjoon says Taesung nods as Taehyung pulls away from his brother and went to his room to get something. 

When Taehyung came back, he was holding a box, "I have a plain Taesung," he says as he set the box down. Taesung and Namjoon look at it.

With Jungkook, few minutes early. 

Jungkook just got Jimin back and now is looking for Yoongi, "Hobi, are you sure you know where he is," Jungkook says as it felt like they been going in circles. 

Hobi nods as he runs down a hallway, stopping at a door and look at it, "I think he should be down there," the beta says. Jimin was behind them as he look at the door, "Is it lock," he asked. 

Jungkook grabs the door nob and twist it, the door opens, the door creek when Jungkook open the door slowly. All they could see was stares leading down into darkness. Hobi steps back, "Jungkook, turn the light on," Hobi says and Jimin nods. 

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he reach and flip the switch but the lights did not turn on. He looks back at them, "I guess we have to go in the dark," he says. 

Jungkook was the first, walking down slowly into the darkness as Hobi was behind him, holding Jimins hand as they all walk into the darkness. 

Jungkook stops when the all made it, he look back at his hyungs, "I can see a light," he says and Hobi look up to see it, "Then lets go, I hate the dark," the beta pouts as he hold onto Jimin. 

Jimin look at him and smiles as he rubs his back. They walk to the light and when they get there, they see Yoongi hung on the wall, his shirt was off and there were big bloody scratch marks on all over him, there was a bloody whip on the ground. 

Jiimin and Hobi ran up to Yoongi, "Yoongi, wake up," jimin says as he cups Yoongi face as tears fall down the betas face. 

Hobi take the chains off Yoongi and Jimin caught him. Jungkook look out the room and see that someone was coming down, "Jimin, we have to go" he says as he walks up to them, "I'll be the decoy so you three can get past him, I'll be right behind him," he says as he walk out the room, the light from the room was lighting up the area that Jungkook was in. 

The dude stops when he sees Jungkook and knew who it was when he seen his face and smelt his sent. The dude didn't even hesitate , he ran at Jungkook with a knife. Jungkook jumps back as he grabs the other wrist, pulling him close as he knees them in the stomach. they drop there knife.

"Go now! I'll be right behind you," Jungkook yelled as he help the othere, (the other person Jungkook was fighting was a beta) down. Jimin nod as he put Yoongi on his back and grabs Hobis hand, running away. 

When they were gone, Jungkook did something to make the other past out some how. He went up the stares. He walks the other way, not following Jimin and them. 

He stops at a room and opens it, "Did you miss me" Jungkook says as he stands there. 


Well that the end of this chapter. 

I hope you liked this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next update. 

I'm sorry for the late update, I've been soo busy this school year, lol. 

thank you for reading and voting, I hope you all have a wonderful day. 

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