chap. 24

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Hello and welcome to chapter 24. Sadly we seem to be getting close to the end of this ff.

But thank you for the ones who stayed with me.


Jungkook was naked, stading there as he watch his mate in pain. Why he was naked because he had shift out of his wolf form. As Jungkook helps Taehyung with labor, the others were still in a fight.

Taeah notice she was going to lose so she turns around and Jumped out of the window, running away but Jimin and Hoseok did not follow as they watch her rin in fear.

'This is not over Taesung' his father said as he follows Taeah. Taesung shift into human form as he look into the trees.

Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi had shift back as well but they found some pants. "Taesung, here put this on" Hoseom said as he hands him a pair of dark pants that he had found. Taesung did as he was told and slip them on.

Jimin left the three they said they would stand out of the room and keep their eyes open. "Jungkook, go put these pants on, I can do this part since I know how to... Just go and hold his hand" the beta said and Jungkook nods sliping on some pants.

Jimin now was in Jungkooks spot as he reach out to be ready to catch the baby. Jungkook grabs Taehyungs hand, "take deep breaths baby, I know you can do it" he softly said to his mate.

Taehyung squeeze Jungkooks hand as he grinda his teeth, "it... Hurts so much" taehyung growled as he closed his eyes tight.

Jimin look up at Taehyung, "Yes I know, the baby is almost there" he says and Taehyung pushed as he dug his nails into Jungkooks hand making him bleed.

Jungkook bite his lip a bit because Taehyung was hurting his hand but he let Taehyung do it.

The omega pushed and the newborn baby came out fast as Jimin catch the baby. He looks at the baby and smiles, "its a boy!" He said happily.

Taehyung let go of Jungkook as he heard the cries of the baby, "we had a boy" he mumbles as he watch Jimin cut the cord and cleans him, handing the naked clean baby to him.

"He looks a like you kookie" Taehyung mumbles as he held him close and kiss his forehead. Jungkook nods as he brush Taehyungs hair back.

"Kookie you should name him" Taehyung says as he hands him the baby.

Jungkook smiles as he held him, "hmm well I like the name Jeongsan" he chuckled softly.

"Jeongsan... I love it, Jeon Jeongsan" Taehyung giggles softly.

"You know what sounds nice?" Jungkook asked his mate. Taehyung smiles as he titled his head.

"Jeon Taehyung" Jungkook said and smile, "I like the sound of it". Taehyung blushed as he look at him in the eyes.

"D-did you... Just ask me... To marry you!?" Taehyung gasps as he put his hands up to hia face. Jungkook nods as he leans down and kiss taehyung on the forehead.

Taehyung smiles softly, "I love to marry..." He grips his stomach as he curls his toes. Jimin watch them, "f-fuck... Am I having another one" he question.

Jungkook grabs Taehyungs hand as he held Jeongsan with one arm. Jimin notice he was in fact was in labor again. "Tae... I think you habe twins" he mumbles as he watch Taehyung squeeze jungkooks hand as he pushes.

...A few hours later.......

Taehyung was asleep now as Jimin stitch up to omega since he rip a bit giving birth.

Taehyung ended up having three babies, not two. The three walks in, "what happened?" Asked Taesung.

Jimin look at him as he look at Hoseok and Yoongi, " Taehyung had triplets" he mumbles.

"Where are they?" Asked Hoseok.

"Jungkook has them, he's ovper there" Jimin points at Jungkook who was next to a small crib like thing and had set the triplets inside.

Hosoek and Taesung walk up to him, "is Taehyung alright?" Asked Taesung and Jungkook nods as he didn't look away from the triplets.

"He is alright and the triplets are fine, he had two boys and one girl... Both boys came first and she was last," Jungkook explained.

"Whats there names?" Asked Hoseok.

"Jeongsan, first born, Taekwon, second born and Taeguk, third born" Jungkook mumbles as he smiles at his children.

"They are how are we going to go back home, Taehyung probably cant walk and now we have three babies" Yoongi says as he walks up to them.

Jungkook look up at him, "I have an idea..." He said as he stands up.

Few minutes later, Jungkook was in his wolf form as he had Taehyung on his back who was awake and was holding onto him. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi was carry a bag in their mouths, the babies were inside them but they were fine. Taesung stayed behind them as they begins running back home.

Jin gets up as he was holding Jinwoo, "Namjoon... Their back" he says as he opens the door to see jungkook with taehyung on his back.

Jin gasps as he look at them, "what happened to him where are the others!?" He asked as Namjoon came out as well.

The others came back and thats when Jin heard it, three baby cries and he knew what happened.

"Namjoon go help and bring Taehyung inside" Jin orders as Namjoon walks up to jungkook and picks up Taehyung who was asleep. He brought him inside and lays him down in his hedroom.

Jungkook shift as he takes Jeongsan and Taekwon from yoongi and Hoseok so they can shift. Jin walks up to jungkook, "they are cute" he says as he watch Jimin shift and holds Taeguk.

They all went inside and got dressed, Jungkook was in the bedroom with his mate and his newborn triplets.

Taehyung was awake as he was hold the girl, Taeguk and Jungkook was holding both boys.

"Look, their opeing their eyes" jungkook says as they both watch them open their but gasps as they seen the eye colors they had. "Tae... Do you see this?" He asked.


And thank you for reading, I hope you like this chapter and thank you for voting.

I'll see you all in next chapter.

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