chapter 33. YES

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Hello I hope you guys liked the last chapter so I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter.

I'll see you guys at the end.

Long chapter


' ... I can't... Well at least not right now... Everything over with kooks father and now we can be safe and not living in a dump in the middle of the woods ' Taehyung look at his son and kiss his head softly.


Time skip, years had past (triplets are three years old now)~~

They all had settled in and Jungkook had been busy with fixing the mess his father had done. 

Taehyung also have been busy with the triplets, they are three now and they can talk and walk now. Everyone loved the Packs leaders kids since they were just three little fluff balls. 

Jungkook is even more protected, not letting anyone go near his mate or his kids except for his closes friends that  helped him and Tae. 

Namjoon was Jungkooks side man as he helps him with his work and Yoongi is now the alpha training, training all the young new alphas or the old ones. Jimin and Hoseok are working in the office getting the meetings and stuff ready for Jungkook. Taehyung and Jin did not work since they stay home and watch their kids which was harder then it seem. Because the triplets are already hard to watch as they would work together with Jins son. 

Today Jungkook did not have to work at all and was planning on taking Taehyung out on a date, it be like them getting a little break. 

The twins look at their mother as he was getting ready for the date that Jungkook had told him about. "Does eomma look pretty?" he asked them with a smile and they nods. 

"Eomma wear dress like Taeguk," Taekwon said as he points at his sister. She was wearing a white dress that had a pink flowers all over it and a big pink bow on the back. Taehyung chuckled as he crouch down to be the same height as his son. 

"Eomma doesn't have a dress so maybe next time," Taehyung softly kisses Taekwons head. 

"can we pick the dress out, eomma?!" Jeongsan asked and Taehyung nods. 

"Yes you can, how about tomorrow, we'll go shopping," he said and his kids nods as they all hugged Taehyung. 

Jungkook pulled up to the big house, getting out of his car and walks up to the house. he get inside to see Jin cleaning up something that Namjoon had broken. He chuckled softly as he walks past them, hearing Jin yelling at Namjoon because he had broke Jins favorite Mario figure. 

He went to his bedroom and opens the door to see Taehyung on the floor, laughing because the triplets were attacking him with kisses and tickles. 

They stopped when they scent their father, the triplets are now able to use their wolf abilities. Taehyung look up to his mate standing there, smiling at them. 

"Appa!" the three yelled and Jungkook crouched down with his arms open wide. The kids ran at Jungkook, jumping into his arms as he hugs them tightly, giving them kisses. 

Taehyung smiles soft as he stands up, fixing his clothes, "How was your day?" the omega asked the alpha. 

Jungkook look up at Taehyung and stood up, walking up to him, "It was boring and I missed you and the kids," he pouted and Taehyung giggles softly at how cute Jungkook was being. 

"I'm almost ready for the date," Taehyung said as he feels Jungkook grabs his waist and pulled him close to him, giving the other a hug. Taehyung smiles big as he hugs him back and their kids ran up to them, also hugging them. 

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