Chapter 29

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Hello and welcome to chapter 29 and I hope you all enjoyed this story so far and are liking the plot as well.

Remember guys this is not Taehyung, it's his inner wolf V.


V was running through the human town, following Jungkooks strong smell since he was in his rut.

With Jungkook at Mr. Jeons pack

Jungkook was panting heavily as he was sweating a lot. He was in a room that had no light but a little window. The walls were made of sliver stone as the chains were very strong. He was changed up in the room, chains on his wrists, his ankles and one around his neck. He also had a dog muzzle on his face.

Someone walks in and sat down in the chair that was in the room.

"So... Jungkook... One of the Vampires found your mate coming this way..." The voice broke the quiet.

Jungkook yanks on the chains, "don't you dare fucking lay a hand on him and if you do your dead... I WILL KILL YOU, YOU ASSHOLE!!!" Jungkook used his alpha voice but of course it did not work on the dude.

"My dear boy... Using your alpha voice on your father..." Mr. Jeon chuckled as he look at his son. "But don't worry, the male omega killed the Vampire but he is on his way here. Give him some more of that drug" Mr. Jeon said into a Bluetooth that was in his ear.

Then two people walk in, betas as they had a flashlight so the can see. Jungkook growled at them as he moves away from them. One of them graba Jungkooks hair and yank his head back as the other one gets a needle ready. That one then stick the needle into his neck and injecte the Orange liquid into Jungkooks body.

That stuff is what was making Jungkook go into a rut, they made Jungkook into a rut because they know Taehyung would scent him better and would want to come here as quick as he can to be with his mate.

Jungkook look up at his father before he past out falling onto the hard cold floor.

Mr. Jeon chuckled as he takes his leave with the two betas. He look at them both, "so where is the omegas twin brother?" He asked them and thwy took him to where Taesung was.

"He is in here sir" they said and he nods as he opena the door to see Taesung leaning against the wall.

He was looking out of the small window, "what do you want" he huffed as he cross his arms making the chains shakes.

"I just want you to tell me about your twin" Mr. Jeon said as he walks up to Taesung and crouch down.

Taesung look at him, "why do you want to know about my brother?" He asked Mr. Jeon.

Mr. Jeon chuckled, "well it's because they wont tell me what is so special with your dear omega..." He said.

"Who is they?" Taesung raised and eyebrow.

"I'm not going to tell you who they are" Mr. Jeon huffed.

"Well then I won't tell you about my twin Taehyung" he said as he looks away.

Mr. Jeon sighs, "alright... They are from the eastern pack... And They told me that your father is working for them" he explains.

Taesung look at him and his eyes went wide, "okay... Well one thing you should now about Taehyung is that well... He has a dark side and if you ever meet that dark side... Most never lived... And today is your lucky day you dick head... V is coming I can scent him and he is close... Well lets say he is here now" Taesung laughs then there were a scream heard outside and Mr. Jeon gets up and look out of the window.

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