Not a chapter

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Okay I am working on the next chapter, but today I was supposed to publish the FF Birthday Boy but couldn't because I was busy today.

Yesterday was my lil baby brother birthday, August 31, he turned 4 and today we celebrated his bday. Tomorrow is my friend's birthday and today I was working on her present, im still am lol.

So I'll try to publish the FF like sometime tomorrow, btw it will only have three chapters to it.

Okay so I found a date to upload my FF, clock work, on September 7 I'm going to publish the vkook FF clock work on that date, so have a look out for that FF.

And thank you for reading and voting for my FF. Seeing you guys voting and seeing so many views and great comments makes me want to keep writing. So thank you guys so much, it means a lot to me.

But happy birthday jungkook, and my friend and my baby brother.

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