chap. 25

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Hello, I'm sorry for an late update, school had just started and I have been having difficulty with wifi and stuff.

Well I hope you all enjoy the chapter and thank you for reading!

And thank you for staying with me and voting on my story. 

"Look, their opening their eyes, Tae tae," Jungkook says as they both watch them open their eyes but gasps at what they seen. "Tae... Do you see this!?" He asked his mate

Taehyung was holding the girl, Taeguk and Jungkook was holding both boys, Jeongsan and Taekwon.

The triplets eyes colors were different, they never seen anything like this at all.  The boys had bi eyes and the girl did not. Taekwon left eye was purple as the other eye was a baby blue. Jeongsan left eye is baby blue as his right eye is purple but Taeguk was normal with her normal eye colors for a pup, blue.

(I'm going to do a time skip here)

Its been 2 years and its almost the triplets birthday, they'll be 2 years old. Their birthday was in a week. The triplets can now crawl around and still is learning to shift in their wolf form. They (tae and Jungkook) haven't found out why the boys eyes were different from the others but they didn't care as they loved their kids.

But there had been something on Teahyungs mind that he can't stop thinking about, he kept thinking about what happened with her father and those two girls. They haven't been attacked but that what worries Taehyung the most because everything been to good so far and he feels like something bad will happen. 

Taehyung look at Jungkook as the triplets were with Jin and Namjoon hyung. 

"Hey Jungkook, so do you have any ideas what we should do for the triplets birthday, its in a week?" Taehyung asked Jungkook, trying to get his mind off of the things that have been troubling him. 

"Hmm, maybe we can take them into town, the human town since they haven't been there and we also haven't been there for a while," Jungkook says as he pulls his mate closer to him and kiss him on his forehead. 

Taehyung lift his head up to look up at the alpha, "Did you forget that your father moved his work in that human town, its not safe for us to go there..." Taehyung huffed as he crossed his arms, still looking at his mate in the eyes. 

Jungkook nods and chuckled softly, which confused Taehyung, "I was thinking going to an another human town, not that one and I don't care how far we have to go, I don't want them to be stuck here forever," Jungkook explains as Taehyung look down, feeling stupid. 

"Yeah, your right, we can do that... sorry for yelling at you kookie," Taehyung mumbles soft. Jungkook reach down and grabs Taehyungs chin, lifting his head up so he could look Taehyung in the eyes. 

"I get it, so don't be sorry, Tae, I know how protective you are over our pups and I am the same way... I would never let anything happen to my family and pack," Jungkook softly says. He then leans down and gave Taehyung a soft kiss on the lips. 

"I love you kookie," Taehyung whisper softly to his mate 

"I love you too, Tae Tae," Jungkook whisper back as Taehyung reaches up and cups Jungkooks face. Tae then pulls Jungkooks face closer to him and giving his a kiss on the lips. Jungkook kiss him back, their lips fit together as if it was a puzzle. 

"Get a room you two, this is the living room, not your bedroom," A voice could be heard from the kitchen. 

Taehyung pulls away quickly, blushing hard as giggles a bit. 

"Ah, sorry Yoongi hyung, I forgot you were here," Jungkook laughs softly but that stopped when Taehyung stood up. 

"Well, I hope you survive, I'll be with Jin and the pups," Taehyung says as he speed walk out of the room, leaving his mate with a not happy Yoongi. 

Jungkook look at Yoongi, already scared for his life, he knows that he is an true blood but Yoongi can be very scary. 

"If I was you, I would run, Jeon," Yoongi says as he cracks his knuckles and that  is when Jungkook got up and ran out of the house. Yoongi loughs as he walks up to the couch and sits down. 

Taehyung look at Jin to see him reading them a story as the boys were on Namjoons lap and the girl was on his lap as well as Jins own child. Taehyung couldn't help but smile at view. 

"Here, I'll take them to our room," Taehyung says as he walks up to them and take Taeguk as Namjoon had the two boys to help Taehyung out. they went to Taes and Jungkooks bedroom and gently set the triplets on the bed. Taehyung said thank you to Namjoon as he lays down to cuddle with his pups. 

Namjoon left and went looking for Jungkook, he found him, hiding in a closet, "Is it yoongi?" Namjoon asked and Jungkook nods as he gets out of the closet. 

"I said something and made him a bit mad at me, he told me to run so I ran away and hide," Jungkooks explains and Namjoon nods. 

"Well, Taehyung is in your room with the triplets," Namjoon wanted to let Jungkook know so he knows where his mate is. 

"Okay hyung, thank you," Jungkook says before he left to go to his mate and his pups. 

He opens the door slowly, looking in to see the pups fast asleep as Taehyung cuddle them, also he was fast asleep. Jungkook smiles softly at them as he quietly walks into the room and close the door without them waking up. 

Jungkook walk up to the bed and put a blanket on them so they won't be cold, "I'm so lucky to have you four," He whisper softly and kiss the triplets on their heads as he kiss taehyung on the cheek. 

Taehyung slowly open his eyes and look up at his mate, "Mmm, cuddle with us kookie, the triplets wanted you eariler but I told them that you were busy," Taehyung mumbles softly. 

Jungkook cuckled softly as he gently lays down behind Taehyung and wraps his arms around his mate, "I'm here now," the alpha softly whisper in his omegas ear, softly kissing him behind his ear. 

Jin walked into the living room where he found Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi, there sitting on the couch and cuddling. Yoongi was in the middle as Jimin was on his right and Hobi was on his left.

Yoongi, Jimin or even Hobi have told the others about themselves, that the three of them are in a relationship.  

Jin walks up to them, "So what is going on with you three, I noticed how you guys are acting different latly," Jin says as he look at them. 

The three of them look up at him as they pushed away from each other, Jimin and Hobi blushing a bit. 


I am so so so sorry that this is a very late update, its my last year of high school and I'm failing some classes so I have been busy trying to get my grades up. 

and my laptops stopped working and I really don't like  typing on my phone, so I typed this chapter during school because I can get my hands on a laptop. 

Next chapter is when Yoongi, Jimin, and Hobi tell the others about them. 

But think you for reading and voting, I hoped you liked this chapter, sorry if it was not that good.

And I'm very thankful for all my readers that have stayed with me and I love all your comments, they all make me smile or laugh, making my day better. 

so don't be afraid to comment on the chapter, I will most likely see it. 

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