Chapter 28, The Inner wolf/Q&A

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Hello my readers I hope you all are doing well and i hope you guys are doing good in school unlike me lol. 

So I didn't do that well in 1st semester so this semester (2nd semester) I will try to do my best and keep my grade up as well  study for tests. 

It is my last year of high school so I'm happy to be getting out of high school but then I want to go to collage for art... well an animator because one day I want to make my own anime. 

Someone asked me "You're gonna get a job after high school? What about collage or university?"

Well I do planing on getting a job so I can get my own place and yeah. I do want to go to collage for art or animation. 


Taehyung ran through the woods as the sun goes down and the moon coming up. He look up at the moon and his eyes widen when he seen an all blueish and purple moon in the sky.

Taehyung look back to were he was going, following the scents as he runs through the forest.

The moon had lit the forest up for Taehyung as he feels his inner wolf going wild and it want to come but he kept his inner wolf inside as he just kept on running as fast as he can. 

Once Taehyung was at the edge of the forest and at the human town, he look around and see a lot of people outside with their phones out and taking pictures of the rare purple moon tonight. 

His eyes went wide as he seen his father getting into a car and driving away.

Taehyung walks into the human town still in his wolf form as he walks.

People jumped and screams saying that there is a wild wolf running around which were them talking about Taehyung.

Taehyung stops and start to sniff the air, he got Jungkooks scent, his mate was putting off of a lot of his scent. Taehyungs eyes widen as he realized why his scent smelt like this.

He started running, running past people and cars. Nothing was going to stop hi- someone attack Taehyung and took him into a dark alley.

Taehyung gets up and starts growling as he look at the person... Or the thing that look like a human.

"Such pretty blue eyes, omega... Mr. Jeon told me that you would be coming... I can't believe we have to help a piece of shit of a werewolf... Ha he can't get an little weak omega so he gets help with us Vampires" the low voice said.

Taehyung growls as he stands for himself, trying to look big as his fur was sticking up and hia tail was up.

"Ah... We made something that would make your little mate go into a rut so you probably suffering by now and you can smell it can't you?" He said as he takes a step closer to him staring at him with his blood red eyes as he shows his fangs.

Taehyung eyes widen as he barks at him which made the Vampire stop. Tae runs at the Vampire and jumps at him but the Vampire was to fast as he mobes out of the way.

"Your too slow omega" the Vampire laughs as Taehyung turns around.

'I'm not strong enough...' Taehyung thought to himself as his tail went down.

"Oh your already submitting to me... I guess the omegas are the weakest wolves in a pack" he laughed.

Taehyung looks down as he bites down on hia tongue.

' come on Taehyung... Let me out... I can kill him' is inner wolf said to Taehyung.

Taehyung shook his head, he was scard because when he was a little boy his wolf came out and when Taehyung came back, he was covered in blood and his mother look scared.

The Little Omega and The Big Alpha. JJK+KTHWhere stories live. Discover now