Chap. elven. Mina

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Hello my readers and this chapter is going to be about Mina, you may all dislike her but she is not a bad person and once you read this, i hope you all would understand after reading this.


No one pov

When Mina was 13 years old.

Mina was walking to her home because she was at her friends. When she gets home, she noticed the door was open and the lights were off, she walks in and the house was a mess. Mina takes off her shoes and turn on the light.

She begin to worry as she begins running around, looking for her parents and little brother. She then felt her sock get wet, when she look down and turn on the light, there was a puddle of blood on the floor.

Her heart dropped her eyes follow the trail of blood, when she stops, tears build up in her eyes as she cover her mouth, "E-eomma....A-appa?" she stuttered as she look at their bodies.

But then she ran out to look for her little adopted brother, "Jin!" she yelled as she run into his room and walk inside the closet, looking for a door in the wall and when she finds it, she unlock it. Jin was curled up as he had tears in his eyes.

Mina drags him out and pick him up, "i'm glad they didn't get you," she mumbles and Jin hugs her, crying loudly. Mina held him close and stop herself from crying as she didn't want him to see her crying.

There was screams outside, Mina look out of her window and she wolves outside killing her pack mates. "Jin, it's no longer safe here, we have to leave." she says as she starts looking fro something.

Jin nodded, "I want eomma" he cried and Mina look down, "I do too" she mumbles

She went into the bathroom, still holding jin, she open the cabent and pull out a bottle, "Here drink this, it will hide your scent" she says and Jin takes it, looking at it.

"Why do I have to drink it," he asked and Mina sigh, "Because your scent is of an o-" before she could finish her scenticce, a bang was herd on he door, Jin quickly drink it.

Mina then shift into her wolf form and had Jin get on her back, she jumps out of the window and begins running fast and deep into the woods. She then finds and aboned den and hides in it, keeping Jin close to her as she watch for wolves from the other pack.

Mina and Jin had lived outside in that den as Mina would take care of him and hunt for food for them two.

When Mina was 18.

Mina is 18 now and she is still with Jin in the den that they had found. Mina look at Jin and out him on her back as she was in her wolf form because today was the day when they are going to find a better place because the animals are moving and Mina was going to follow them.

When Mina was running, a scent stopped her from running as she turns around to see another alpha wolf and it was a male wolf. She stares at him as her heart begins to pound.

The wolf walk up to her slowly as Mina didn't move, she just tilted her head to the side. Jin gets off her back and look at her as he doesn't't know what is happing.

Mina had Jin get her cothes out of the bag as she went behind a bush and shift, putting her clothes. When she was done, she went up to Jin and take the bag from him, pulling out a blancket and walk up the other wolf and put the balcket on him, "You can shift now," she said and the wolf shifts.

A handsome male with nice wavy brown hair, his eyes were brown as he had a nice jawline and perfect skin. He wrap himself in the blanket and look at Mina and smiled softly at her making her blush.

"My name is Yasuo and yours?" he asked and Mina look down shyly, "I-its Mina" she mumbles Yasuo chuckled softly at her and ruffle her hair, they both felt something when he ruffled her hair, "Oh, I'm Jin, her little brother," jin said before Yasuo could of said something.

"Well, it's nice to meet you both," he says and Mina nods. "So Mina, I guess your my mate," he says and Mina look down shyly as she mess with her shirt.

After that, Yasuo takes Mina and Jin to his pack as he was going to tell his friend's that he had found his mate. When they get there, he introduce them to his friends.

He then takes them to his pack leader, he knocks on the door, "Mr. Jeon, I found my mate and I was wondering if they can join our pack. Someone opens the door, a young lady was at the door.

"Ah hello, Yasuo," she says and he smiled at her, "How is the baby?" he asked and she look at her belly which was huge, "I'm due soon, the doctor said that he is due on the first of September.

Mr. Jeon look up from his work, "Who are these people," he asked and Yasuo look at then, "That's Mina, my mate and that's Jin her little brother, they said that they don't have a pack," he explains and Mr. Jeon nods.

"what kind of wolf are they," he asked and Mina look up at him, "sir, I'm an alpha and my brother... my brother is an beta," she says.

Years later, the alphas son has been born already and Mina and Yasuo had married, they both been taking care of Jin together and Yasuo also knows about Jins secret.

"Mina, I'm going to help Mrs. Jeon with Jungkook," he says and starts grabbing things he needs. Mina look at him and sigh, "Okay and be carful and don't let anyone find out who you are," she says and kissed his forehead.

Jin then left to see Mrs. Jeon and her baby boy, Jungkook. Yasuo came back home from work and look for Mina. When he found her, she was on the couch, writing stuff down.

"Hey, I had a lot of thinking and I want to have a pup with you," he says as he sits down next to her, Mina look up at him with big eyes, "b-but we can't" she mumbles. "I mean, the rule, that two alphas are not allowed to have a pup and plus, you know for alpha females, it's hard for us to get pregnant." she explains and Yasuo chuckled softly.

"And that's why we would go and adopt," he says and Mina smiles, "Really, that's a good idea!" she says as she wrap her arms around him and softly kiss him.

couple of days later, Mina and Yasuo went to adopt themselves a baby girl, they named her after a follower, Rose sine she was so pretty like a rose and her hair was red as a rose.

It has been the best time of Mina life, she was so happy with her mate, baby girl and Jin but all that went down hill as she came home and see that someone had kill her mate and took her baby.

Mr. Jeon was standing in the corner "so, Mina... I know how you feel but he did something wrong and had to be punish and you also did something wrong... so what I'm trying to say is that if you don't work for me, Rose will die and as well as your little brother," he says and and Mina shift, growling as her fur was sticking up.

"Oh no no, You shouldn't attack me now, if you do, I'll have my men kill them" he says and Mina back down, shifting as she wrap herself with a blanket.


Wow, that was a lot, so how did you all like it and tell me how you feel about Mina.

Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

and how do you feel about Mr. Jeon.

I'm sorry if there is some misspelled words, I was never good at spelling bc when i was younger, I would cheat on my test.

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