Chp. Six. The truth

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Aaaaaand hello, here is next chapter.

Well, I hope you enjoy chapter six and thank you for voting

Is going to have some abuse in it.

No ones pov

Jungkook was sitting next to taehyung as he looks at his hands that was resting on his lap, a big sigh had left his dry lips as he closed his eyes.

“Well it's a long story…,” Jungkook mumbles and Taehyung puts his arm around Jungkook, he smiles softly at his mate and kiss his cheek, “It's alright, start where ever you to
start,im not in a rush.

Jungkook nods, “okay, well it started when I was a pup still, my mother was… still
alive.” he mumbles as he messes with the hem of his shirt, looking down at his hands as
Taehyung sits next to him, cuddling up to him and was listing to his mate.

“My dad came home from work and looked very angry, he looks at me and then my mother who was sitting next to me, he growled… that day I had gotten into a fight with another
kid from another pack, and their pack leader came to him while he was at work… next thing I knew is my dad grabing me and smacks my face hard, leaving a mark on my cheek.” jungkook says as he looks up at his mate.

Taehyung was shocked and hugs Jungkook, softly kissing his cheek.”I would beat him but i’m no strong enough to,” he says

Jungkook giggles at his mate and ruffles his hair, "you need to stop being so adorable, it's going to kill me one day, " he says and kiss his forehead.

"so, when my dad hit me like that, my mother stood up, they both started to yell, my dad then hits my mother, and the next thing I know, both their eyes went to an orange color and they went to wolf form... Everything went black..." jungkook explains and taehyung felt so bad for his mate.

"and after that day, my dad been even more harder on me and that was the last time I seen my mother, he says that she ran away but I think he killed her..." he says as he lays his head on taehyungs shoulder.

Taehyung runs his fingers through jungkooks hair as he lean his head against him, he felt bad for his mate, he went through hell as he had an family that loved him, but they are dead now or all he knows is that his mother and his pack.

Jungkook bites his bottom lip, hate his past but will have to face it. "when I became a young teenager, he begins beating me, trying to make me a man when I'm just still a boy." he mumbles.

(what your about to read is violence and child abuse, so I'm just giving you a warning, if you want to skip, go till you see this >🔶.)

Jungkook just turned 13, his finally a teenager and was happy, meaning he was close to finding out if his an true alpha, not knowing he was gonna be an true blood.

Jungkook was hanging out with his friends till his father came out, "Jeon Jungkook, get inside now!" Mr. Jeon yelled holding the door opened.

Jungkook jumped and his friends also did as well, "well bye bye Jinnie and Jimine hyung" he says and waves to them, walking inside.

Once he was inside, his father shuts the door, "what did I say about hanging out with those weaklings!" he says.

Jungkook gulp as he looks down, "s-sorry father, i-i forgot, i-i won't do it again" he stuttered as he looks down at the ground.

Jungkooks father growled, "I don't give a damn! I'm your alpha, your father and your leader, you must obey me!" he says, grabbing jungkooks hair, pulling it as he shoves him against a wall, a stone wall, jungkooks feet wasn't even touching the ground,  causing Jungkook to cry as he holds onto his father hand.

"ah, i-it hurts father, p-please let go!" jungkook beg and beg but his father didn't listen.

He only dropped the paddle, letting go of his hair but then grabs his wrist, turning him and chained him up, "my son won't ever beg, your such a weakling, you like one of them, bit don't worry, I'll make you not weak as them" he says, ripping jungkooks shirt.

Jungkook was shaking as he bites his bottom lip, making it bleed, trying to not cry. Jeon then grabs a cloth, tying it around Jungkooks mouth, to keep him quiet.

Jeon grabs a whip that had dried blood on it from last week, "now son, take your punishment" he says, bring his hand back and whips him hard on his back, causing jungkook to arch his back, tugging onto the chains as his cries and whimpers were muffle from the cloth.

5 years had past, jungkook is now 18 years old, he was so use to being whip by his father. His father had always use the medicine that would make the words heal and leave now scar so he won't get taught.

Jungkook was finally going to take a test to figure out what type of wolf he was.

Once he came out, he hands the papers to his father, "here father" he says with no emotion, not even a smile on his face.

Jeon looks at it, his eyes widen as he looks up at jungkook, his an true blood, his dangerous to him. "let's go home now" he says and walks out, jungkook didn't say anything and just follows him like a pet would do.

' well, I can use him, yeah, I can make him a weapon, use him for wars and battles. ' Jeon thought to himself as they walk back home.


(okay we are back to jungkook talking to taehyung)

Taehyung was now on Jungkooks lap, hugging him, kissing his cheek, "I'm so sorry kookie" he pouts.

Jungkook chuckled, "its okay, but are you hungry" he asked and taehyung nods, "well go get wash up and we'll go" he says.

Taehyung gets up and was about to walk to the restroom till he looks back at jungkook shyly, " c-can you.... join me" he mumbles.

Jungkook giggles and gets up, walking up to him and ruffles his hair, "of course I would" he says.

"maybe later I'll tell you my past, so we will be even... " Taehyung says and Jungkook nods, "mmm" he hums as he gets the bath started.


I'm sorry if this chapter is short but I'm trying.

I'll will try to update on every Friday for now on, and of I don't update on Friday, I'm sorry.

Well thank you for reading this chapter and for voting, I hope you have a nice day or night.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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