Chap. 19

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Hello and welcome, I hope you all will like this chapter. 

Thank you for being my readers, I purple you. 


Taesung was sitting down on a chair, looking at Mr. Jeon. "Your so nice looking...." He says with a soft smirk and Taesung was grossed out by it. 

"Thanks... now, tell me where is Jungkookie" He says with anger in his voice, he was trying his best to act like his brother Tae.

Jeon chuckled, "He is not here..." he says as he walks around, with a drink in his hand. Taesung kept his eyes on the man, he wanted to hurt the man for what he is doing to his brother. 

"Then where is he!" He yeld as he stands up, the chair falling back. Jeon look at him and smirks. 

"Oh, he is with some of my friends," Jeon says as he waved his hand and two alphas grabs Taesung. 

As they were doing that, Taesung quickly link up to his brother, telling him what Jeon told him. Taesung then grabs one the of the alphas and knock him off him.

Jeon was shook, well he dose think that Taesung is Taehyung and he never seen an omega hurt an alpha. 

Taesung gorwled, "Where is  Jungkook," he says, using his alpha vice, he was no longer faking as Taehyung. Jeons eyes widen as he heard then mans alpha voice. 

"Who are you!" Jeon yelled as he set his drink down. Taesung walks up to him, "I'm Taehyungs twin brother, Taesung and you mess with the wrong family," He says as he shift to his big white wolf form. 

Jeon didn't know what happen as he just watch Taesung jump out of the window. Taesung was running back to Taehyung, knocking everyone who got in his way. 

When he made it to his brother, he told him to shift and Taehyung did. The two white wolves ran through the forest, looking for the omegas mate. 

Hours of running, the made it, Jungkooks scent was every where and Taehyung could feel his wolf going crazy. Taesung tried to catch Taehyung before he ran into the place but he was too fast. 

Taesung ran after him, he could see Taehyung sniffing the ground but the alpha has gotten other scents as well but Taehyung didn't notice because he was to busy sniffing Jungkooks scent. 

Taesung walked up to Taehyung and grab him like how a mother would grab a pup, Taehyung look at him but when he did, he seen other people, ' Tae... go find your mate and I'll hold these guys,' Taesung link to his brother. 

Taehyung didn't like the idea, ' b-but... I don't want to lose more family members, ' taehyung link back to him. Taesung let go of him and smiles softly, licking his brothers fur, ' go now, you wont lose me. ' he linked to him. 

Taehyung nods and ran off, leaving his brother behind to look for his mate. He could here the fight started, he hated fighting.

He ran, following Jungkooks scent till he stoped, seeing a lock door where the scent was coming from. Taehyungs scent was still hidden from eariler. Taehyung shift into his human form and was looking for the keys. 

He found them on the wall and grab them, unlocking the door to see a worn out Jungkook, he looked like he was in pain. "Kookie" He mumbles.

Jungkook looked up, "Tae... what are you do-" before he could finish what he was saying, TAehyung ran up to him and hugged him.

"Kookie! I miss you so much" he cried as he hugged him. Jungkook try to hug him back but the chains were holding him back. Taehyung press his lips against Jungkooks, kissing him loving. 

"Here, let me take those off," Taehyung says as he grabs the keys and took the chains off of him. Jungkook smiles as he look at his mate. 

" Tae... you shouldnt be here" Jungkook says as he put his hands on his mates shoulders. Taehyung look up at him, with worry eyes. 

"but... I came here with my brother to save you and Jin... We need to help him, kookie" Taehyung says as he stands up. Jungkook cover Taehyungs naked body with something. 

Jungkook look at him, "who is this person your talking about," he asked but Taehyung grab his hand and starts walking out with his mate. 

Taehyungs scent was no longer hidden and Jungkook sniff the scent, he missed the scent and the touch from his mate. 

Jungkook stoped and pull Taehyung behind him, a female walks out, "ah... so this is what your mate look like, he is very cute," she says and Jungkook growled.

¨Don even lay a finger on him" Jungkook huffed but the female was not scared as she walks closer to them. 

The female smelt like blood and death as she walks to him, Taehyung holds onto Jungkook as he stays behind him. Hers eyes went all black see stop and stood there. 

"Tae... run" Jungkook says but Taehyung didnt want to leave him. Jungkook shift into his huge fuzzy black wolf, Taehyung also shift into his white small fluffy wolf. 

Jungkook look at Taehyung, ' tae... what di-' before Jungkook could finshi what he was saying, he was pinned up against a wall. 

Taehyung eyes widen as he watched. "I get called many names, Monster, demon but I know what I am... it is what they call Vampire" she says as she look at him. 

Taehyung growled and ran at the vampire, knocking her off Jungkook, digging his teeth into her shoulder as she hit Taehyung over and over. Jungkook bites her upper arm, ripping it off, making her scream. 

Taehyung closed his eyes as he didtnt let her go. Blood went everywhere, covering both wolves. Taehyung pulls away as he moves back, Jungkook grab her neck with his mouth. 

Jungkook snap her neck as he let her fall to the ground, he then look at his mate, are you arlright, He asked as he lick his fur. 

Taehyung nods and they both walked out. Taehyung seen his brother, standing there, with dead bodies around him and his fur was no longer white, he was red from the blood

Jungkook gets in front of Taehyung, ready to protect him, but Taehyung ran away from behind his mate and too his brother.

Taehyung was happy to see his brother is alive, ' Taesung... I got my mate, we can go now ' he says as he wags his tail. He then look at his mate. ' kookie, this is my twin brother ' he says and Jungkook was so confused.

And that's the end. I hope you like this chapter.

Were you guys Jungshook about that the female is a vampire.

So I'm adding vampires now and in this chapter was the first time I think Taehyung attacked someone.

Thank you for reading and voting, I will see you all in the next chapter.

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