chapter 32

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Hello and welcome to chapter 32 I hope you all enjoyed last chapter.

Thank you for reading, voting, and showing love to my story.

I hope you will enjoy this chapter and I'll see you at the end.


Taesung, Yoongi, and Hoseok all shift into their wolf forms, Yoongi took off first as Hoseok followed Yoongi and Taesung followed Hoseok. Jungkook was in the back following Taesung because an pack leader stays in the back to make sure that no one gets left behind.

Once they were at the house, Jimin gets off of Jungkook and takes Taehyung, holding the omega in his arms. Walking to the front door, Jimin opens the door and held it open for the others to get inside. They all went to their room as Jimin follows Jungkook to his bedroom. 

When Jimin walks into Taes and kooks bedroom they see Jin and Namjoon hyung putting the triplets to bed. Jin look up to see them and quietly walk out with his mate, not saying a word because he did not want to wake up the kids since it took them a long time to fall asleep. 

Jimin sets Taehyung down onto the bed and look at Jungkooks wolf, he then walks out of the room, shutting the door. 

Jungkook then shift back to human form, he slips into his red pair of boxers and slowly lays down in bed next to his mate. 

He look at Taehyung and smiles softly, kissing his forehead, "Night Tae baby.. " he whisper to the sleeping boy who snuggles up to him. 

It was 4 in the morning and Taehyung and Jungkook woke up because Taekwon was crying which made Taeguk and Jeongsan cry as well. 

Taehyung tried to get up but he felt pain on his lower parts of his body, he rubs his back and look at his alpha. "Kookie... can you get the kids... it hurts to move," Taehyung pouts.

Jungkook sits up and nods as he gets out of bed and walked over to their kids, they stopped crying but they had hiccups. 

Jungkook reached down and grabs Taekwon and Taeguk, "Don't cry my little angels, daddy and mommy are here," he softly said as he takes them to the bed and set them down on the bed, they moved to Taehyung and snuggles up to him. 

Jungkook then went to get Jeongsan as Taehyung was wiping the tears of the kids cheeks, giving the ma kiss on the head. 

Jungkook gets in bed, setting down Jeongsan, he lays down with the kids in between them. Jungkook look at his mate who was covering the kids with the blanket. 

"Kook, lets sing them the song that always get them to sleep," Tae said and Jungkook nods. The five of them snuggle close

Jungkook and Taehyung start to sing the song, their voices matched together as if they were meant to be. The triplets smiles as they snuggle up to their parents, slowly falling asleep to the warmth and the voices of their parents. 

Once the kids were asleep, Taehyung softly gave them kisses, "Goodnight my little ones," he whisper softly as he hold them close to him, closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep. 

Jungkook smiles, he was the luckiest person alive because he has an amazing mate and three amazing kids as well has amazing friends. 

He wraps his arms around his mate who was holding their kids close, he softly kiss each one on their heads, "I love you four," he whispers, closing his eyes, falling asleep with his new family. 

Time skip~

It was in the afternoon and they guys were packing their things that they had and was heading to their new which was Mr. Jeons home. Jungkook was ready to become the new pack leader which he had to because the pack leader is dead and that was his father. Also the pack needs a leader so everything will be in order and Jungkook will make this pack better, stronger and the safest for his young. 

A big black van pulls up to the house and everyone start to put their things in the back as Taehyung and Jin put the kids in the van. Namjoon was the one who rent a van so they can move everyone at once to the new place. 

Once everyone was done putting their stuff in the van, they all get inside the van. Jin and Namjoon were in the front, Yoongi, Jimin, hobi were in the middle as Taehyung and Jungkook was in the back with the kids. 

Few minutes later they get there at the big house, there were people waiting outside for them.

Namjoon gets out if the van, "you three get the luggage out of the van and put the van up as well" he order the three people outside. They noded and start taking the stuff out of the van as everyone start to get out of the van.

Taehyung was holding Taeguk as Jungkook?had both boys and Jin had his son Jinwoo.

"Everything will be back to normal again" Jimin says as he walks up to Taehyung and ruffles Taeguks hair.

"Yeah" Taehyung said as he look at Taeguk who was smiling at Jimin and reaching for him so Taehyung hand her to Jimin and Jimin happily takes her.

' i hope nothing bad will happen... ' Taehyung thought to himself.

' Taehyung... Don't forget your father is still alive... I think he is planing something ' taes wolf says.

Taehyung sighs, ' yeah I know... But what can I do V? ' he asked his wolf.

Jungkook look at him, "are you alright Tae?" He asked hi and Taehyung nods, giving him a smile as he takes Jeongsan from Jungkook.

' maybe you should tell them ' V said to Taehyung.

' no... I can't... Well?at least not right now... Everything over with kooks father and now we can be safe and not living in a dump in the middle of the woods ' Taehyung look at his son and kiss his head softly.


Thats the end of chapter 32, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Thank you for voiting and reading.

We are getting close to end of this book.

Sorry if this was a bit short of a chapter.

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