Chap. 13

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Hello, this is the next chapter and I hope you all enjoy, thank you for reading.


Jin walks out of the closet and shut the door, locking it from the outside so Taehyung couldn't get in. The other wolf walk in the room and Jin shift into his wolf from. Taehyung eyes widen as he sees Jins wolf form for the first time.

His form was small but a bit bigger then Taehyungs form, Jin had light brown fur on the top and on his belly was white fur. His wolf form wasn't that buff like an alpha.... because Jin is a...

Omega just like Taehyung, his eyes were a pretty blue and he was carrying a baby, He was do soon as well.

 (this is his fur color)

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(this is his fur color)

Jin growled at the alpha wolf, protecting Taehyung s if he is his own son, the alpha wolf barked at Jin, using his alpha voice, but it didn't work on Jin since he was protecting Taehyung, stand in front of the closet.

Jin look back at the closet, Taehyung covered his mouth as tears falls down his face. The alpha wolf came at Jin, he was to fast that Jin didn't have time to doge the attack. He was pinned to the floor, Jin wines a bit as the wolf bites down hard on Jins neck, blood covers his fur. Jin didn't want to give up so he used his back legs, kicking the alpha off him.

Jin got up and charge at the wolf with his mouth open, he bites him in the face, blinding his right eye. The wolf growled as he backs away, he then ran at Jin, jumping up, Jin also jumps up, both hit each other with there front paws.

Taehyung didn't like this at all so he tried to call for Jungkook by linking up to him, ' Jungkook.. ' no answer, he tries again and again and Jungkook didn't answer him back. Taehyung bites his lower lip, making it bleed as he balled his hands into a tight fists, his finger nails stabbed his hand, blood drips down his hands and his chin.

Jin falls to the floor and he shift back to human form, the alpha wolf stands in front of him and grabs Jin, putting him on his back. He look at the closet door, walking to it but the other wolf stops him, ' did you get the omega ' the wolf asked and one with jin shook his head, ' no, but I found this omega ' he says. the wolves left with Jin, they left Namjoon on the ground as he was badly hurt, he was in human form.

Namjoon was bleeding a lot as his vision begins to worsen as he felt light heading, he was stabbed. He slowly closed his eyes as all his memories with Jin and his family friends went through his mind. A tear slides down his cheek.

Taehyung we banging against the door trying to get open, he shift and ran his body against the door as hard as he can. He finely got the door to open, he ran out of the house, still in wolf form.

He sees Namjoon laying on the ground and shift to human form, "Namjoon... wake up," he says in a shaky voice, his eyes were red from crying and his cheeks were still wet and red from crying. He drags Namjoon in the house since he wasn't strong enough to pick him up.

When he was inside, he lays Namjoon on the couch and ran to the bathroom as he looks for the first aid kit, he also put a robe on and grab two towels. He came back and cover Namjoon with the towel, he then stops the bleeding and wraps him up, hopping he would wake up.... but he did not, Taehyung lays his head on his chest, trying to hear his heart beat, the heart beat was very quit as it was also slow.

"Please keep fighting don't give you, you can't leave us, your mate or even your unborn child," Taehyung mumbles as he tries to keep in his tears.

He stands up and look out of the window, "Jungkook wont answer me and his busy trying to get Yoongi and Hobi," he mumbles. "so... I'll be the one to save Jin,"

Taehyung look at Namjoon, "I'm going to save your family," he says and shifts, he then ran out, following Jin's omegas scent and the paw prints on the ground.

With Jungkook and Jimin....

They were running to the pack, Jungkook hates leaving his mate but he hopes Taehyung is alright as well his hyungs. They soon got there, Jimin look at Jungkook before he starts walking behind a building, Jungkook follows him from the behind.

When as they walk, someone sniped them with sleeping darts, Jungkook and Jimin past out on the ground, two people jumped down and grabs them. They start walking to a building and went inside a room, they put Jungkook in chains in one room and in another room, they put Jimin there.

Few minutes later, Jungkook woke up, looking around, it was too dark to see where he was, "Jimin..." he says but Jimin didn't answer.

Then the metal door open, making a loud noise as it opens slowly, black figure stands there in the door way, Jungkook couldn't see who it as nor could he smell his scent.

"Who are you! and what did you do to Jimin," Jungkook growled as he pulls on the chains. The man chuckled, "Oh Jungkook, we just put him in another room, don't worry we wont hurt him but I can't say the same about you," he said and Jungkook growled.

The man then walks out, leaving Jungkook there in the dark. Jungkook tries to shift nut it didn't work, he also tried to link up to tae and they others but he couldn't.


oof, I'm so sorry for a short chapter but I hoped you guys like it.

now you know Jin's secret and yeah.

Thank you for reading, I hope you guys have a nice day/night and share this story with your friends and don't be shy to vote or comment.

I always love reading your comments, they always make my day and sometimes they give me ideas for the story.

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