chap 22

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I am so so so sorry that I haven't updated, a lot had happened like my laptop broke and the power shut off.

I'm also moving as well, I'm almost done.

Okay before I start the next chapter, I want to remind you guys that Jin and Tae are pregant.

So thank you for reading and voting and I hope you all are having a nice day or night. 


Readers POV

It has been three week since they had gotten Jin back from that place. Jin ended up giving birth to a baby boy that he name Kim Jinwoo. Taehyung still has some more weeks till he would have his baby. 

Taehyung fell in love with Jinwoo and love to help Jin with him, he became more protective of the child. He was excited to have his own babies and couldn't wait. 

It is monday and Taehyung was outside just chilling, Jungkook was inside talking to Jin and learning things that he should know when Taehyung give birth. 

Taehyung smiles to himself as he rubs his belly that had gotten a bit bigger, "I wonder how many I'll have," he mumbles softly as he started to think. "I wonder what my father was talking about... can I trust him" he said to himself as he close his eyes.

He then stood up and start to look around because he heard a babies cry. His mother side came out as he ran into the forest, following the cry.

Taehyung shift into his white omega wolf form so he could run faster through the trees.

He then stopped when the cries were no longer heard anymore, he turns around and notice that he was deep in the forest.

Taehyung ears twitched as he hear movements in the trees top. Black figures fell from the trees, Taehyung was surrounded and had no where to run.

Taehyung couldn't scent what they were and couldn't see what they looked like since they were dressed in all black.

' Jungkook! ' he used the link bond to contect him. Taehyung knew he couldn't fight them because there was to many of them.

With Jungkook

Jungkook was forze when he looked at Jin, "Tae is in trouble... Where is he?" He asked as he stood up.

Jin stands up as well as he holds Jinwoo close to him, "I think he was outside" he said and Jungkook ran out there to see no Taehyung.

Jin went to find the others and seen that Namjoon, yoongi, hoseok and Jimin was in kitchen part. "Taehyung is missing and Jungkook ran after his scent into the forest" Jin explained.

With Taehyung

One them went at Taehyung and grabs him. Taehyung begins to scream as he tries to wiggle, "let go of me!" He yelled.

The one who was holding brought up their hand and covers Taehyungs mouth with a cloth.

Soon Taehyung went to sleep and they carried Taehyung away. They ran out of the forest and stopped when they were at a van. The person who was holding the omega, set him inside the van they all get inside.

They sprayed Taehyung with some moom flower which is what hides their scent. They did that so Taehyungs mate and friends lose his scent.

Jungkook was running in the woods as fast as he can, not even stopping as his paws were hurting. His hyungs had a hard time keeping up with Jungkook.

Jungkook then seen a van drive off and ran after the van but the van was too fast. He was trying to keep up with it but his lega gave out as he fell, rolling.

His hyungs ran up to him as they watch the van disappear, "Jungkook..." Yoongi mumbles.

Jungkook just lays there as yoongi comforts him. His hyungs took Jungkook back to the house so they can make a plain to find Taehyung.

With Taehyung

When Taehyung woke up, he seen that he was in a room, he rubs his eyes as he noticed he was in his human form and in clothes that was not his.

'Jungkook' he tries to link to his mate as he gets up and look around the room.

'Tae! Where are you, are you hurt, I will get you back' Taehyung cold tell that Jungkook was stressed.

'Im okay but I dont know where I am... Someones coming'. Taehyung stood there as he seen the door handle twist.

The door opens and a kid walked walked inside, the kid look like she was 10 years old. She had light brown pigtails that curl. There was a pink eye mask with white flowers she was wearing so Tae couldn't see her eyes. She was wearing a pink bunny pj with white bunny slippers and a white bunny hat. She was also pale and was holding a brown teddy bear.

"Father told me you are mine" she says  softly as she shuts the door. "But before I can play with you, I have to do something" she said as she set her teddy bear.

Taehyung watch as she walks up to him, "this will hurt a bit" she sighs as she takes a seat in a chair. "Sit down"

Taehyung did what he was told by a 10 year old as he takes a seat in front of her, he wonders how she can see with the blindfold.

She the reach out and grabs Taehyungs hands, she then pulls off the eye mask and open her eyes.

Taehyung was shock at what he just seen, her eyes were white, "father told me to help you to unlock it" she mumbles.

"unlock what?" Taehyung asked but she didn't say anything as she gets up and lets go of his hand.

She smiled big as she walks up to a cabinet and opens it, pulling out a black knife. "Shh dont be scard, you wont feel much pain" she giggles.

Taehyung eyes widen, "n-no... Pl-please" he begs as she walks up to him.

"Shut up doggy!" She yelled as she takes the knife and stabs him in the chest. Taehyung looks down as he spit up blood.

"Ju..." Taehyung falls over as she pulls the bloody knife out.

"Father I'm done" the 10 year old says as a man walks in and pats her on her back.

"Good girl, you can now go and play" he said and she nods as she leaves. "I'm so sorry Taehyung.......

..... My son" the man whisper as he grabs the lifeless Taehyung and carry him out.


Okay there was also another reason why I was very late, I had no wifi and I now have a new baby brother.

My step mom had my baby brother on her birthday.

Sorry if the chapter suck badly, I had to type it on my phone.

I'll see you in the next chapter and thank you for reading and voting.

The Little Omega and The Big Alpha. JJK+KTHWhere stories live. Discover now