Chapter 26

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Hello and welcome to the new chapter, I hope you guys are enjoying this story. 

I have been busy working on other stories and school work but I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading and voting. 


Jin look at the that three as he waited for an answer from them, Yoongi, Jimin, Hobi look at each other. 

"Okay okay, We are a thing, okay," Yoongi says as he stands up and look into Jins eyes as he cross his arms over his chest. 

Jin smiles big as he look at them three, "Knew It! I can always tell if someone is in a relationship... so how did it happen?" Jin asked as he sat down in the chair in front of them.  

Jimin sighs as he looks down a bit too embarrassed to say and Hobi didn't want to explain it to Jin so he look at Yoongi to tell him. Yoongi noticed that they did not want to speak so he told Jin how it happened and everything else but leaving some details out. Jin was happy to see that they were happy and he understand that they want to keep it to themselves because they are not ready to tell the others yet. 

Time skipppp~ to three days later......

Three days has past and the small pack was doing fine as well as the little ones. The Jeon triplets and the Kim child get along well and they became best friends. Everyone loved the kids and they love playing with them, their laughs or how they like to cuddle. 

It was 3 in the morning and everyone was asleep but Taehyung was not as he was just sitting on the front porch, looking up at the night sky. He look at the stars and think about his mother that his misses so much and think about what all had happen. 

"Mom... I miss you and I know I'll see you again but that probably will be in a long time. I have found me the one and he loves me so much, he protects me. I even made a little pack and we are a big happy family, and I had three amazing kids that I love so much, two boys and one girl. I wish you were still alive so you can meet them all... oh I also found my twin brother and met my real father... there is so much I want to ask you because there is not a lot of things I know about.. I love you mother," Taehyung softly says as he wipes the tears away, looking up at the pretty night sky that was being light up by the pretty starts and the half moon. 

But then there was this bright light in the sky, it was too bright so Taehyung had to look away as he stood up, covering his eyes. Soon the light came down and wasn't very bright any more so Teahyung look up and his eyes went wide when he sees what the light was.

 Soon the light came down and wasn't very bright any more so Teahyung look up and his eyes went wide when he sees what the light was

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It was his mother, her wolf, he could never forget what see look like, tears build up in his eyes as he look at her. 

"M-Mom..." Taehyung mumble as the wolf gets into the ground and walk up to him, her eyes lock with Taehyungs. 

"Taehyung... I'm so sorry but you need to follow me," She said to him as she sits down. 

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