Chp. Nine.

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Hello, this is the next chapter, I hope you will enjoy this chapter and thank you for reading and voting.


No one's pov

Mina was walking to her room as she watch a video on her phone of what her spy fly took.

She gasp when she seen something, making the person that walked pass her, look at her. She look at them and gave them the look making them walking away.

Mina then runs to Mr. Jeon's office to show him what she had found out. when she gets there, Mr. Jeon was asleep with his face down on his desk. Mina set her phone down on his desk and look at him.

"Mr. Jeon..... Mr. Jeon!" She yelled as she hits his head. Mr. Jeon growled softly as he look up at her, " what is it, it better be good" he says in a low voice.

"It is something good, its about that male omega." Mina said with a smirk on her face. Mr. Jeon' s face lit up as Mina shows him the video.

When the video ends, Mr. Jeon look at her, "I don't get it, all it is them cuddling or something," he says and Mina sighs. "No, can you see, Look at how the omega is acting and your son as well. Mr. Jeon shrugs, "What, they are doing what couples do," he says and Mina takes her phone, "No, The. Omega. Is. Pregnant!" She says and  his eyes widen when she said that.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked and she nods, "we can always ask that "beta", Jin..." She says and Mr. Jeon nods. "Okay, do what you need," Mr. Jeon says and she left, went looking for Jin.

Jin was in the kitchen, cooking some food till he start feeling some pain in his stomach. He jumped when he the sound of a door slam open, Mina walking in. "Ah hello, Jin." she says as she walks up to him.

Jin bit his lower lip when he seen Mina, he doesn't like her because he knows what she dose, "what do you want, Mina. Can't you see I'm busy." Jin mumbles.

"aww come on lil bro, your older sis just wants to have a lil chat with you," she says with an evil smirk on her face. Jin hated when she was like this, when they were younger, she was so much nicer but now, everything had change.

"Your not even my sister by blood" Jin said as he went back to cooking. Mina huffed, "well i don't care that your my adopted brother!".

"Now tell me, is jungkooks mate pregnant," she asked and Jin froze, not saying anything or even moving a muscle. Mina chuckled, "well, come on or do you want me to tell Mr. Jeon your little dirty secret, the one about your wolf," she says and Jin turns around, "h-his.... mate is" he mumbles with a shaky a voice.

Mina chuckled and left the kitchen, waking back to Mr. Jeon as Jin stops cooking and run to Jungkooks room.

When Mina get to the pack's leader room, Mr. jeon was on his computer, typing something down. "He is, Jin said he is," she says as she walks in the room, Mr. Jeon look up at her and smiles, then lets start making your new task.

When Jin gets to Jungkook's room, he knocks on the door and no answer, he kept knocking and knocking and no one still didn't answer. He then open the door and look inside the room and no one was inside, " where did they go?" he mumble to himself.

JIn walk away, looking for Jungkook and Taehyung but he couldn't find them anywhere.

earlier today when Mina was talking to Mr. Jeon about what her spy fly had gotten.

Jungkook was laying down on the bed waiting for Taehyung to get out of the bathroom. Taehyung look in the mirror, watching the water drip down from his hair down his chest, a sigh leaving his lips as he finish drying off.  He then put on his bathrobe, tying it as he walks out and look at jungkook, "I'm done" the omega mumbles as he sits down on the bed next to jungkook.

Jungkook look at taehyung and nods, "I want to take you somewhere that is beautiful so get dressed," he says and kissed his cheek. Taehyung nods and gets up, wondering what jungkook was going to show him.

Taehyung put on a white kinda see through dress shirt as he put on black pants that fits him well, he look in the mirror and fix his hair. Once he was done, he turns around to look at Jungkook who was all ready, he was wearing his tight ripped jeans and a black tee.

"You look amazing, Tae," Jungkook says as he grabs his phone and put in his back pocket. Taehyung giggles as his cheeks were a bit red as he look down shyly, "thank you, you also look amazing," he mumbles and Jungkook chuckled, grabbing taehyungs hand, walking out of the room and out of the building.

Jungkook took taehyung to a place that jungkook use to go to when he was younger, his mother showed him the spot and now he want to show his mate this place. Once they got there, Jungkook covered Taehyungs eyes and walk to a spot, when uncovered Taehyungs eyes, Taehyung look around, his mouth dropped at the beautiful sight.

The trees were a beautiful orange, red and the sights was even more pretty when the leaves would fall down and a little river was flowing. It was quiet but all you could hear was natura sounds which was beautiful. "This is... so pretty kookie" taehyung mumbles.

Jungkook nods as he sits down on the soft green grass, "yeah it is, I still rember when my mom amd i would come down here and just relax, this is where i go when i just want to relax and get away from everything... " he mumbles as he look up at the sky. Taehyung sits down next to him and look down, " I miss my mom and my friends from my pack.." Taehyung says and jungkook look at him.

Jungkook pull taehyung onto his lap as he wrap his arms around him, "I know, I miss my mom as well... but we have each other and will help each other." he says and taehyung nods, resting his head on jungkooks chest.


well hello, this is the end of this chapter and i hoped you all enjoyed it. I finally have a laptop which means ill be updating more or ill try too. Well thank you for reading and i hope you all have a nice a day.

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