chap. 23

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Hello, I know you guys didn't like the ending in last chapter so I decided to type this chapter real quick for you guys.

Sorry for making you sad, I hope you can forgive me.


Jungkook froze when he felt like his heart just shatter into pieces, he put his hand on his chest and grips his shirt, shaking.

Jin look at him, "Jungkook... What is it" he asked the alpha. Jungkook look up at him with tears in his eyes.

"I-its Tae... I lost connection... And .... And I can't feel him..." Jungkook mumbles.

"Hyung... I think I know what happened" Jimin whisper and Jungkook look at him.

"I think... Tae.... Tae is..." Jungkook choked on his words as he pulls his hair, bitting his lip hard, making it bleed. "... Dead..."

Yoongi gets up, "we don't know that... He can't be dead!...." He yelled as he starts to walk to the door. "HIS FUCKING NOT DEAD!!!!!"

Jungkook gets up, "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT!" Jungkook raised hia voice. Yoongi walks up to him and grabs him by the shirt.

"Listen here Jungkook, you may not fucking sence him but look... The mate mark is still there which means he is bot dead" Yoongi growled as he look at him in the eyes.

Jungkook glups, "o-okay" he mumbles, scared of Yoongi.

"What are we waiting for, Lets go" Hoseok said as he walks to the door, "namjoon and jin stay here with your son" he said and they both nods.

Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Taesung and Jungkook left the house and shift into their wolf form as they begin to run. Jungkook hopes that Yoongi was right and that Taehyung was still alive.

With Taehyung

The man carry Taehyung to a big room, the lights weren't bright at all as he sets the lifeless omega down on a table. He then ties the body to the table.

"I can't believe you mother took you away from me" he softly says as he softly touches Taehyungs hair. "You look like a lot like your mother"

The door opens and walks in a young women, "dad... You need me for something?" She asked him and he nods.

"Your brother Taehyung is here and now you know what to do, my sweet heart" he says and she nods as she walks up to Taehyung.

She rips his shirt off and put her hand on the deep cut on his chest. She then push her hand inside his chest and grabs his heart, the lady close her eyes as she mumbles something.

She then pulls her hand out and stitch up the cut as she put a bandaid on it. "Dad... What about his pups, he not close to labor" she asked him.

"I know and I have a plain, we just have to wait for them to get here" he said and she nods.

Taehyung begins breathing softly, "his alive" she mumbles and his father smiles proudly.

"Go get your little sister" he order and she nods and left.

With jungkook and the others.

Jungkook stop, 'i can feel him!... But not that much' he links up to them. They all looked at him and nod as they begin to run faster.

And back to Taehyung

A few minutes had past and Taehyung woke up, "ah good your up" someone speak. "They should be here anytime soon" he continued.

Taehyung felt dizzy as he look at the darkness where the voice was coming from. "What happened" he mumbles.

"Your eyes... Their still blue... Did it not work" he mumbles as he walks up to Taehyung.

Taehyung eyes widen as he noticed who it was, "d-dad!?" He gasps. Someone knock on the door and Taes Dad opens it. Four people walked in, wearing a mask but he recognize the little girl.

There was another female and two males, "I'll stand outside till you guys are done" Taes birth father said as he walks out of the room and shuts the door.

Taehyung wanted to say something but no words came up as he look at them with fear.

"Hello doggy, what we are going to do will hurt like a bitch" said the 10 year girl as she walks up to him and brush his hair back. "As you can tell doggy... We are not normal... Well you can call us monsters but some said witches" she giggles.

"Stop talking to him, Taena" the female said to the 10 year old.

Taena, the ten year old name, look up at her, "I can talk to him, Taeah" she huffed as she cross her arms.

Taeah and Taena take their Knives out and begins to cut Taehyungs skin. Taehyung cries in pain as he balled up his fist, the ropes rub against his skin.

The two males begins to say something that Taehyung couldn't understand. The girls stop as Taena put her hand on Taehyungs belly and begins to mubble some stuff. Taeah unties Taehyungs legs as she slowly takes his bottoms off and set them to the side, she then spread his legs, wearing gloves.

Taehyung look down as he seen his stomach to grow, pain went through his body as he slam his head back and arch his back, screaming in pain.

Taehyung then felt liquid between his thighs. He looks down to see blood, "fuuuuuck!" He yelled in pain.

With Jungkook

Jungkook sniffs the air and had gotten Taehyungs scent and he notice that the others did too as they begin to run in that direction.

Few minutes they made it to a building and Jungkook didn't even hesitate to run inside when Taehyungs screams were heard.

The others follows the young alpha from the behind. Taehyungs dad turns around when he sees an angry black huge wolf. "Shit" he mumbles.

Then Taesung walks up next to Jungkook, his eyed widen as he seen the man. 'Jungkook let me handle him and you guys go get my brother' he link up to him. Jungkook nods.

Taes father shift and Taesung ran after him, they both begin fighting. Jungkook breaks the door and the two males ran up to Jungkook but Yoongi and Jimin jumped up at them, 'we got them two' Jimin link up to his friend.

Taehyung look at Jungkook, "Jungkook!" He yells as Taeah ran from Taehyung and shift to her white wolf form and jumped at Jungkook but Hoseok stop her as he attacked her.

Jungkook watch his hyungs fight and ran up to Taehyung "get away from him Doggy!" She yelled as she stands in front of him bit Jungkook didn't care that she was a 10 year old, he jumped up at her and rip her throat, she screams in pain as she falls the floor.

Jungkook shift to human form as he begins taking the ropes off Taehyung. Taehyung grits his teeth from the pain he was still feeling, "J-Jungkook... The pups" he whimmpers.

"Shhh its alright" he whisper as he stands there between his legs, Taehyung grips onto the table.

"Take deep breaths and push" jungkook said, having no clue about labor. Jimin and Yoongi had killed the men as they went to help Hoseok and Taesung. Jimin look at Hoseok as Yoongi ran to Taesung.

Jimin grabs Taeahs throat and threw her out of the room as they ran after her.

Taehyung screams in pain as he pushed, Jungkook put his hands out as he sees the top of the head "come on, its almost out" he mumbles.


Thank you for reading and voting, I hoped you liked this chapter.

I'll see you in next chapter.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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