chap. ten

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Hello, this the next chapter and I hope you all would enjoy this. thank you for reading and voting, I love reading your comments because they always make my day.


No ones pov

Mr. Jeon sent a text to some people, they were not from his pack as they were from the pack (the eastern pack) that attacked Taehyungs pack. He had made a secret meeting because he knows what his next move is.

A couple of days later, the meeting is going on right now, the meeting was in a secret room that is underground. Mr. Jeon had handed the other, the pack leader from another pack (The Eastern pack) , a folder that had info on Taehyung and a picture of him.

"His name is Kim Taehyung and he is an male omega but we just found out that he is pregnant and his mate is my son," Mr. Jeon explains and the pack leader from the other pack nod as he listen to Jeon.

"Okay, he is the one we are looking for," the other said. Jeon set his papers down and slide a picture, "and you better not forget about the deal we had made." Jeon says and the other nod as they look at the picture.

"of course, but I wont give it to you till you get that omega," he said as he stand up, "I now have to go, I have things to do today, I need to get the room ready," he says as he pick up the folder and out them in his bag.

Jeon nods and stands up as well, "I will get that omega in three days, Mina here will help, she's the best alpha wolf that I can trust," he says and the other alpha nods and he then left. 

At the Eastern pack

The pack leader went to his house and walked into his bedroom taking a book off his bookshelf, behind it was a a  keyhole, he takes his key out and put in the keyhole, turning it. He steps back and the bookshelf spilt in the middle, sliding open leading to another room.

He walks in and made sure the chains on the wall and on the floor were still in good shape as he clean the concrete walls and floor but there was blood stains on them from last night.

"I'm going to have a new toy, I can't wait to play with it," he mumbles to himself.

Now with Jin,  Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung

They were in their wolf form except for Jin as he was on Namjons back, holding onto his fur. Jungkook and Taehyung had never seen Jin's wolf form and they wonder why but every time they ask, Jin always change the subject.

They were running away because Jin had told them that Jungkooks father knew about Taehyung. When they made it to a house in the middle of the woods, they shift back to human form and put on some clothes on.

Taehyung look up at Jin, "what is going on hyung?" he asked and Jin look down as a big sigh left his lips. "Mina found out your secret and she told Mr. Jeon so your not safe anymore, Namjoon and I will try our best to keep you safe," Jin explains.

Jungkook look down as he reach for Taehyngs hand, "Don't worry hyung, he has me to protect him." Jungkook said and Namjoon look at him.

"Jungkook, you'll need our help to, you never know what is going to happen now," Namjoon said and Jungkook nods.


Mina was in Mr. Jeons office as he was talking to him, "what do you mean his not there, go and look for him and don't come back till you find him!" Jeon yelled as he throws some papers down on the floor.

Mina look down at the floor and nod, "yes sir, I'll get going," she says and left the room and went looking for the man she was looking for.

Mina walk to a park and sit down on a bench, "He always put so much work on me and make me do everything... but I have no chioce," Mina mumbles as she look on her phone, "I hope they are fine when I finish my mission on Taehyung, Mr. jeon said he'll let you free,"

Someone stood in front of her, smiling as they look at her, "Long time no see, Mina," a mans voice was herd. Mina look up at him and her eyes widen, "Rin!?" she said.

"I heard that your boss was looking for me, I thought he hates working with humans like me," he says and Mina look down.

"well, he wants to talk to you, he said that its very important and that he will pay you a lot," she says and Rin nods, "then what are we doing here then, lets get going," he said and grab her hand. Mina look down shyly and blushed, "Okay, lets go," she says and gets up.

She takes him to her car and they both get in, "I'm guessing he still her" he asked and Mina froze, she was shocked that he knew, "your daughter"

"Wha-what are you talking about, you know that I can't have kids," she mumbles as she start up the car. Rin chuckled, "I know your lying and I know you adopted a little girl," he says and Mina look down.

"Okay, your right, he dose have her and he told me when they get the male omega, they would let her go so, I have to do whatever Mr. Jeon says... to be honest, I don't want the omega to get hurt but I have no choice, if I make one wrong move, they will kill my baby" she explains, she had tears in her eyes.

Rin look at her and wipe the tears, "I'm sorry for what he had done to your family, he kidnapped your baby and killed your husband, I will also do anything to help you get you daughter... so I can see the beautiful smile of yours," he says and Mina blushed as she look the other way and starts driving.


Hello, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and next chapter will be about Mina's past and yeah. thank you for reading and voting!

Oh, I have something I want to ask my readers, Should I make a Q&A on the characters, like I will make a list of the characters and you can ask any questions on them and I'll try to answer them as best as I can.

please vote here if I should make a Q&A on the characters



I will only chose three questions for each character. Voting will end on the 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I will make a post on December 5

oh I will try to update once a week, this story will update on Wednesdays and the Clock work story i have will be on Fridays.

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