Chp. Seven. Truth. 2

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Hello, this is part two and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


No one pov

Few weeks later, Jungkook was outside, helping the new young alphas how to hunt as Taehyung was with Jin. Jin was teaching Taehyung how to take care of the pups here.

They all have been happy except the alpha leader who is angry. He's been watching Taehyung closely, learning more about him.

Taehyung has not told jungkook about his past because he wasn't ready yet but he thinks he is ready.

A few hours later, Jin had took Taehyung home. Taehyung went inside and wash up.

After he washed up, he went to the kitchen to clean the dishes but then the door opens, a Jungkook walking in, holding a dead chicken and a rabbit. "I got dinner" he says.

Taehyung smiles as he was happy to see his mate again, "I miss you so much kookie" he says, smiling as he walks up to him, taking the the two dead animals, softly kissing him as Jungkook happily kissed him back.

They both walk to the kitchen, taehyung setting the dead animals down, he grabs two knives, handing one to Jungkook.

He then grabs two cutting boards and set them on the counter, setting the dead animals on the them. "jungkook, can you pluck the chicken for me" he asked and jungkook nods as he put on some gloves, starting to pluck the chicken.

Taehyung also put on some gloves as he begins taking the fur off the rabbit, setting it to the side, "so how was today?" he asked as Jungkook looks at him.

"ah it... It was alright... "

Flash back

A big sigh left jungkook's lips as he watch the other alphas not even listing to him.

He grabs a glass cup and throws it down to the ground causing it to break, making a loud noise. All the wolves looked at him.

"finally I got your attention... Okay, you already know who I am so if you don't listen, it will not end well for you" jungkook says.

All the alphas that jungkook is teaching today are ages 17-19 years and there are like 16 wolves that he's teaching.

End of flash back.

"how about you tae?" Jungkook asked as he continued to pluck the chicken.

Taehyung stares at the rabbit, "it... It was nice" he says. He was hiding something, he had just figured out a couple of days ago, Jin knows about it but Jungkook did not.

Jungkook nods, "that's good to hear, ah I finish, what do you want me to do with it" he asked and taehyung tells him what to do it with it.

A few hours later, they already dinner so they are on the couch, cuddling as they were watching a movie.

"kookie, do you miss your mom?" taehyung asked and Jungkook look at him. "yeah... I miss her a lot"

"I miss my mother and my pack" the omega mumbles. "they loved me so much and cared for me..."

"what about your father?" Jungkook asked and taehyung stopped talking as he looks down.

"... No... Not him... He... He left my family, he left me, he hated that I was an omega. And I also hated the other alphas that tried to rape me but I had friends, beta, omega and some alpha friends that protected me. Even my mother protected me but... I don't even know if they all made it out alive from the attack on our pack" he says as he looks up at his mate.

Jungkook hugs him, holding him close, "it's okay, I bet they made it out and you have me and the others to protect you now" he says and taehyung smiles softly as he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth his mate gave him.

A few hours later, they both were asleep till taehyung woke up, getting out of jungkooks grip, running to the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat and gets on his knees, throwing up in the toilet.

Jungkook woke up when he felt his mate left him, he then hears throwing up and quickly gets up, running to bathroom, seeing his mate, throwing up. He stands behind him, holding his hair out of the way as he rubs his back.

Taehyung finished and flushed the toilet, wiping his mouth. "are you alright baby" jungkook asked and taehyung nods.

Taehyung stands up and looks at him, "I'm fine.... I must of eat something" he lies.

Jungkook nods, "are you sure, this is like the tenth time this week" he asked.

Taehyung looks down as he mess with his shirt, Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "taehyung, what's wrong and tell me the truth" he says.

Taehyung bites his bottom lip as he closed his eyes, mumbling something.

"speak louder, I couldn't hear you" jungkook says and taehyung looks up at him, tears in his eyes as he was shaking a bit.

"jungkook... I'm... "


Oof, I'm am so sorry for the late update, so much has been happening lately but everything has claimed down. At homecoming I hurt my foot by dancing.

So I wore heels to homecoming but I took them off so I was dancing bear feet, I step on the side of my foot, hurting it but I didn't stop dancing so yeah and I can't walk on my foot.

These are the shoes I wore.

Oh and at homecoming, I was dancing in the middle of the crowd and people circle around me and start recording me, I was on a lot of people's Snapchat, I had a lot of fun.

And my whole body is sore like I had some trouble getting out of bed lol.

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